Your Online Business Evolution to GURU Status

Yesterday you learned a HUGE lesson that will save you months upon months of frustration.

So never, ever, ever create something that is supposed to be “everything to everyone”. That will never work.

Over in our Virtual Mastermind (VM) coaching forum, a new member (who I think has HUGE potential), asked me this follow-up question:

Q: “Craig, just started here in the VM, thanks! I have a ton of ideas but need guidance. I created a site for the Men’s Health & GQ guy where I blog about fitness, nutrition, grooming, lifestyle, etc. I am creating a program that will include a 12 week program, style guide, and even a section on drinking while staying fit. My slam dunk customer is a young single guy that aspires to the lifestyle defined by MH/GQ magazines, but I’m stuck with Product Creation. Is it too broad and all over the place?” – Dave

Hi Dave, welcome, and congrats on all of your success so far!

But yes, what you outlined is far too much to start with.

The closest analogy to what you are trying to do is what you’ll see in my friend John Romaniello’s business. Take a look at John’s online evolution:

1) He started online by solving ONE specific problem with his original Final Phase Fat Loss program that allowed him entrance in to the market.

2) He then built his business normally (by promoting others, creating new products, adding coaching) while clearly communicating in a voice that attracted many and repelled others (who weren’t his best customers anyway). Most important, he always delivered great content and overdelivered value.

3) John also began to leverage his years of success into bigger and bigger contacts. Contacts and connections led to magazine content. Plus, he was persistent and methodical about making magazine connections.

4) John’s magazine work led to business partnership with Adam Bornstein.

5) His friendship with Bornstein led to book deal.

6) John’s book deal – and subsequent NY Times best-seller – has led to many other opportunities that no one could ever have predicted.

7) John now “owns” the space you’d like to be in.

So instead of trying to start “At The End”, as you are now, you should follow John’s path of evolution instead. It will go like this (and anyone can apply it, no matter if you are a man or woman, confident or shy, young or old):

1) Solve a specific problem.
2) Establish your business and your voice (for communicating).
3) Then…Become the “guru of all things” to your loyal fans.

The GOOD NEWS is that with your experience and the insider, advanced knowledge you’ll get here in the Virtual Mastermind, you are a lot further along this path than when I first met John back in 2009 when he was starting.

But you need to start narrow with that first product and be an expert in a smaller niche market before you go wide and become the Guru of All to your raving fans.
Thank you, and again, welcome to the VM!

As mentioned, the advice that I gave to our member Dave will also work for you in your business, no matter if you are young or old, man or woman.

It all starts with getting started,

Craig Ballantyne
PS – I also recommend that you…

…get to one of the 1-day Mastermind coaching sessions with Bedros and myself. We might have space at the one in California in April. If not, we have two coming up in San Diego…one in May, and one in June.

The sooner you get a full day with Bedros and I, the better. Email his assistant to score your seat at the in-person 1-Day Mastermind event. Her email is:

See you soon!