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How To Be A Successful Negotiator

By Early To Rise | 05/7/2001

Three elements are at play in a negotiation, according to James Sebenius (writing in the Harvard Business Review) who has done thousands and ought to know: 1. Issues are on the table for explicit agreement. 2. Positions are one party’s stands on the issues. 3. Interests are underlying concerns that…


In Business, As In Life, There’s A Big Difference Between Having A Sense Of Humor And Not Taking Anything Seriously

By Early To Rise | 05/4/2001

I used to employ a young copy editor, MB, who was bright and talented and doomed to failure in the corporate world. This was clear to me from the very first moment I met him. We had just been introduced when he said something like “So I guess you’re the…


How To Make Meetings Work, Part 2

By Early To Rise | 05/3/2001

“For the most part, our leaders are merely following out in front; they do but marshal us the way that we are going.” – Bergen Evans (The Spoor of Spooks and Other Nonsense, 1954) Dave Barry says the reason the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its…


How To Make Meetings Work, Part 1

By Mark Morgan Ford | 05/2/2001

“I am a great believer, if you have a meeting, in knowing where you want to come out before you start Excuse me if that doesn’t sound very democratic.” – Nelson Rockefeller  There’s an interesting article in the Harvard Business Review (HBR) this month. This one on a problem you…


“Inward” Vs “Outward” Business Management

By Early to Rise | 04/19/2001

“Everything which is properly ‘business’ we must keep carefully separate from ‘life.’ Business requires earnestness and method; life must have a freer handling.” – Goethe (Elective Affinities, 1809) According to Inc. magazine, Ed Ossie built MTW Corp. (a consultant to web-based businesses) into a very successful company by creating a…


Getting It: Understanding The “Basic Selling Dynamic” Of Your Business

By Early To Rise | 04/16/2001

There comes a time in your career when the lights come on and you feel like you truly understand your business. This is not likely to happen right away. For some of us, it takes years and years. But when that moment comes, it brings with it a sense of…


More On Criticism

By Early to Rise | 04/4/2001

“If you haven’t got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me.” – Alice Roosevelt Longworth I’m reading a newsletter on leadership that says since “no one likes to be told he’s wrong,” the shrewd executive will do everything he can to make his criticism indirect. I’ve…


What I Learned About Leadership From Dance Lessons

By Early To Rise | 03/26/2001

Several years ago, I reluctantly agreed to take ballroom dance lessons. I’m glad I did. When you begin a modern marriage (listen up, young ‘uns), you both go into it as partners. The arrangement you presume is that you are going to be in charge of some things and she…


Live The Second Half Of Your Life Better

By Early To Rise | 03/22/2001

I turned 50 this year. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. My body didn’t disintegrate. My mind still makes the roll call. It has been the occasion of some trifling contemplation. At 50, you are at the crest of your life. That means you can,…


Chronic Takers – How to Get Them Out of Your Life

By Early To Rise | 03/21/2001

Source out the chronic takers in your life and work and take these steps to eliminate their negative impact on your own success and happiness.


Scheduling Stress Breaks

By Mark Morgan Ford | 03/20/2001

If you work as hard as I do, you will be forever on the verge of a nervous breakdown unless you do something about it. One of the best things you can do is schedule at least two (and preferably three or four) stress breaks every working day. A stress…


More on Trusting Employees

By Early To Rise | 03/15/2001

The piece I wrote about trusting employees (Message #274) — about the kind of safeguards you should effect against pilferage — provoked a lot of objections. KM, a corporate trainer and a good friend, took exception to my attack on academics. “That was such crap,” she said. “You have to…