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How To Pull Ahead Of Your Competitors Through Cooperation

By Early to Rise | 08/11/2000

““Competition is the offspring of fear; cooperation, the child of confidence.”” – Mark Morgan Ford If you remember the movie Wall Street, you may recollect the character Gordon Gecko (played by Michael Douglas) – a viciously ambitious stockbroker who broke every ethical rule and took advantage of every relationship to…


How To Make Friends In High Places

By Early to Rise | 08/8/2000

““Shallow men believe in luck . . . . Strong men believe in cause and effect.”” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Conduct of Life Today, I am going to open a little door into your future. First, answer this question: Who in your industry would you like to know? Whose…


Delivering Bad News: When To Write, Phone, Have Lunch

By Early To Rise | 08/3/2000

““Surely human affairs would be far happier if the power in men to be silent were the same as that to speak.”” – Benedict Spinoza (1632-1677) Someone once told me that you should always deliver bad news in person. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but over…


How Much Should You Pay Yourself?

By Early to Rise | 07/24/2000

“”Self-Esteem: An erroneous appraisement”” – Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary Recently, Fortune Small Business magazine did a story on executive compensation. It cited the case of two San Diego entrepreneurs who started a high-end home-furnishings business (the Richard Fischer Collection) with the long-term goal of getting wealthy. But getting there…


Where Should You Be Doing Business?

By Early To Rise | 07/21/2000

A famous business publication interviewed me once and asked me this question: “If every one of your marketing concepts but one was taken away, which would you hold on to at any price?” I didn’t need a second to think about the question. I immediately answered that I’d never give…


Fire Someone Now

By Early to Rise | 07/11/2000

““Men weary as much of not doing the things they want to do as of doing the things they do not want to do.”” – Eric Hoffer Today you are going to do something unpleasant, but necessary. Studies show that next to being fired, dismissing someone is the most stressful…


The Underestimated Importance Of Firing People

By Early To Rise | 06/30/2000

““The trouble with human nature is that there are too many people connected to it.”” -Milton Berle When you want to save a hammock of endangered hardwoods, you start by chopping down a lot of trees. You must get rid of the younger, faster-growing trees that threaten the good wood…


Retiring In Paradise

By Early To Rise | 06/26/2000

On Friday I got carried away with selling you beachfront property in Nicaragua. I meant to introduce my Big Idea to solve your Big Retirement Problem (i.e., you can’t have one). The Big Idea that will solve your Big Problem with retirement…. The idea of retirement is a recent one.…


Tip: Moving On

By Ilise Benun | 05/22/2000

Many people have no trouble getting into conversations at networking events. What they need help with is getting out of them … without feeling like they’re abandoning the other person. If that sounds like you, here are two strategies to try: 1. When you are ready to move on, hand…