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How Hard Do You Have To Work…Really?

By Early To Rise | 05/27/2003

I grew up in a family of 10 people in a small house across the street from the railroad tracks. Every night for several years, I had the same dream: coming back to the schoolyard I played in, chauffeured in a stretch limousine, dressed in a white tuxedo, and carrying…


If Your Deadlines Are Often Unmet, Blame Yourself

By Mark Morgan Ford | 05/26/2003

“You are strong and you can be tough,” I told JC. “That’s good. But you have to recognize that your approach is wrong.” She started to defend herself: “You wouldn’t be complaining to me if your deadlines were being met. I know that my people are …” I stopped her.…


Let Your Great People Make Mistakes

By Early To Rise | 05/23/2003

CL and I were talking about GN. I had said that I thought he had great potential and could play a major role in her company. “Yes, but he’s got a lot to learn about marketing,” she said. “We are always arguing about how to price and position products.” She…


What To Do When Someone’s Badmouthing You

By Mark Morgan Ford | 05/21/2003

  “No one gossips about other people’s secret virtues.” – Bertrand Russell A consultant for AGP told one of its publishers, “If I were MMF’s partner and he did that with my company, I’d take him out to the woodshed.” He didn’t say it directly to me — and I…


Why You Must “Prove” Everything You Say in Your Advertising — And How To Do It

By Scott Haines | 05/9/2003

The fact is, everything you yourself say in your sales messages will be viewed with skepticism. But what other people say about you and your company will be about 100 times more believable. Consider infomercials. Why do you think they have all those people popping up every few minutes singing…


A One-Hour, Six-Month Plan That Will Make Superstars of Your Better-Than-Average Workers

By Early To Rise | 05/8/2003

If you want to get the most out of your employees, challenge the best of them to do even better. Focusing energy and time on the bad apples is a waste of time. The middling group will improve when they see the star performers improve. That’s the ETR philosophy. Here’s…


How To Take A Relaxing Vacation

By Early To Rise | 04/30/2003

Three things will make any vacation stressful: 1. worrying about your job while you are gone 2. having to handle crises on the phone 3. fearing the inbox when you return Here?s how to solve those problems and enjoy your time off worry-free. * Block out the vacation days on…


Forget Most of What You Think You Know About Feng Shui: Here Are The Essentials for a Productive Place of Business

By Early To Rise | 04/25/2003

I tried to believe. I really did. But half of what I read about feng shui seemed totally loony. So, once again, I’m going to rely on the benefit of 52 years of experience. Here’s the “ETR shui” on setting up a good office/studio. First, some observations and conclusion: *…


Five Ways to Fight Back If You Are Turned Down for a Raise

By Early to Rise | 04/23/2003

  “Raise your sail one foot and you get 10 feet of wind.” – Chinese proverb I’ve never been turned down for a raise, but I have had the awkward duty of declining raises to dozens of people. Most of them simply sulked and disappeared. But a few of them…


You’re the Boss – Friendship Is Not Up To You

By Early to Rise | 04/3/2003

  “Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence. True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation.” – George Washington You…


Are You a Creative or Reactive Leader?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 03/28/2003

“Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything.” – George Lois If you want to advance quickly in the business you work for or accelerate the progress of the business you own, you’ve got to become better at starting things, at…


Your Reaction to New Business Opportunities

By Early To Rise | 03/25/2003

  I sent a memo to IT last week reporting on a clever and very effective scheme that one of our competitors is using to make a lot of money. His response was to explain to me “what’s wrong with what he’s doing” and “why our way is better.” There…