What do you need to know?
It was a strange week at Headquarters.
My dog walker had the week off, and so I was stuck with my dog, ol’ Bally, at home all day.
He tends to need a lot of attention, and so I didn’t get as much work done as I had planned.
So I decided to just take off and get out of town, heading to my parent’s farm in the country. Out there, the dog could run free, and I’d be left alone to get some work done.
That’s the freedom of Internet Independence for you.
Work anywhere, anytime.
No boss. No salary. No set hours.
But you see, it wasn’t too many years ago that the Monday to Saturday, 6-days per week, 6am to 7pm trainer lifestyle was wearing me down.
Sure, I enjoyed working with a lot of my clients, but not as much as I enjoyed working on my info publishing business at night (and for those 20-30 minutes first thing in the morning).
And back when I worked for someone else, each weekend always had a bit of dark cloud hanging over it, one that got bigger and darker as Sunday afternoon turned into Sunday evening.
You probably know what I’m talking about…”Monday Anxiety“.
It settles in around 8 or 8:30 on Sunday evening, and strengthens with every minute you sit watching TV or movies with your family.
And then it hits you around 10 or 10:30pm. A full-blown attack of Monday anxiety that leaves you wide awake, even when you want to fall
asleep the most.
So you toss and you turn. And it only gets worse, because Monday keeps on getting closer. There’s nothing you can do about it.
Or is there?
As little as 15, or even 10 years ago, there really wasn’t anything you could do.
And then along came the Internet.
It was 1998 when, as a lowly graduate student, I recognized the potential of using the Internet to connect with readers all over the world.
The key was providing amazing content.
Unfortunately, I didn’t crack the code for several more years, and it was still a few more years after that until I was independent, but the good news is that because of everything I’ve gone through, YOU can get to independence much faster.
And so that brings me to today’s question:
What do you need to know about setting up your business in order to create internet independence for you and your family? Is it…
– Finding the right market
– Developing the right product
– Getting visitors to your website
– Convincing those visitors to become clients
– Or something else…after all, there are a ton of topics we can cover
Just let me know in the comments section.
Alright, time for a nice relaxing weekend out in the country.
And the best part of all?
These days, if I want to stay out at my country place until Tuesday, that’s what I can do.
No more Monday Anxiety.
And while my life still involves work and sacrifice, I now look forward to each and every Monday as much, if not MORE than any other day of the week. All thanks to the Internet.
Have a great weekend.
Keep pushing on,
Craig Ballantyne
“I shall shape my future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man’s doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me. Or I can be lost in the maze. My choice. My responsibility. Win or lose; only I hold the key to my destiny.”
Og Mandino