Time Management Secrets for Success

The most popular problem in the business world seems to be time management. Fortunately, I rock at this. Yesterday I finished nine ETR newsletters, set up a product launch, co-ordinated two major affiliate deals, and sent out the all- important ETR Team Email.

All while fitting in my workout and goofing off for a bit, too.

You want to know how I do it…and so here are my answers to your specific Time Management questions.

Q: Hey Craig – got your $.99 Time Management Book and you were right, it was the best $.99 I spent in a long time. It pretty much defined my issue – OCD compounded by too many or inefficient transitions, lack of structure, and a blur of jobs and personal life (I have 2 full time jobs as well plus 4 kids).

Better than that, it gave me a blueprint to work on to start creating structure as best I can…My question is, like weight loss, some time management habits will fade over time, right? So how difficult is it to maintain these boundaries and rules you have established?

It seems here and there, life will get in the way and then if I’m not careful and diligent, I’m back on the pathway of least resistance/no structure.

Admittedly, the ritual I really need to start is settling in at the end of the day to reflect and plan. Thanks and talk soon. – Bill

Answer: Thanks for your kind feedback. You bring up a good point.

Here’s what can happen.

First, the more you implement the actions, the more they become habits. It’s just like when you get up at 6am every day for 30 days straight and then try to sleep to 8am. It’s actually hard to do. So focus on sticking to a couple of BIG habits at first. Get those ‘cemented’ over the next 21 days.

Then start to implement a couple of other big habits. Focus on progressively implementing more good habits and maintaining the ones you have.

HOWEVER, you make a good point…sometimes things can start to slip. That’s when re-focus your energy on cementing that habit again, and don’t add any new ones.

Of course, over time you’ll also figure out which ones are BEST for you, and which ones sound nice, but don’t really do anything for you. You can cut those, and simply keep the ones that matter.

Great question. Good luck, and keep me up to date on your progress. I’d love to hear from you again in a month or so.

Just send an email update to Support@etrhelp.com or post an update www.SuccessQnA.com.

Take care, and thanks again for giving it a shot.

Q: I work 60 hrs a week and just had a baby boy. I was fortunate enough to have off this w to have off this week but will be returning to work next week. How can I add hours or energy to my day?

Keep in mind babies eat every couple hours and on average I’m up 3 times during the night.

Answer: Frankly, the next few months are just not going to be your most productive. Don’t expect them to be.

Managing your expectations will help. Also, stop using Facebook and anything that doesn’t really, really, matter.

Finally, here are more politically incorrect time management tips.

In order to succeed, we often need to try new things. Venture outside your comfort zone to find the answers you need. Seek opportunity, not security.

Q: Hi Craig,I have been reading your material for a few days now and find your ideas and motivations astounding. The one thing that I am struggling with currently, and am seeking guidance on being able to stop at the end of the day.

I saw in one of your articles your summarized daily schedule and at 6pm you are done working to spend time with family. I love your idea of outsourcing things to focus my time on productivity. However, at this time, I cannot afford to outsource and I live strictly within my means.

I am still in the process of identifying my “higher calling” and trying to get started. In the mean time, the lawn still needs mowed, the deck still needs finished, the roof needs repaired, the car needs fixed, etc and my family suffers from my lack of time for them because I do it all myself or with t.

How can I “fit my family in”? I would love to be able to finish up at 6 and not worry about “stuff” to devote my time to them but every time I try my mind wanders to the next thing I need to accomplish. Thanks for your precious time. – Tim

Answer: Hi Tim, thanks for your feedback. The first thing you need to do is get up earlier. This will solve a lot of your problems.

Getting up earlier is the answer to almost any problem in life – because it gives you more time, and often your best energy, to devote to the BIG problems in life. Just do it.

The second thing is to identify your magic time to get more done in less time.

The third thing is to cut your to-do list. You can’t do everything, but that’s what you are trying to do. Something has to go.

Fourth, make sure you are not wasting time at night and staying up too late. That will impact how early you can get up…and if you sleep in, you’ve missed a big chance at improving your life.

That is the TRUTH of ALL TRUTHS (in my world).

Keep on pushing,

Craig Ballantyne

“We can’t become who we need to be by remaining who we are.”
– Author Unknown