SEO Traffic Formula
First, I just want to say that I’m really impressed by the caliber of readers here at There are some smart folks who email in their feedback and post recommendations on the blog. I really appreciate it.
That said, I think a lot of you will be ready to take it to the next level today with advanced traffic tips from my friend and go-to SEO expert, Rick Porter.
From Rick Porter
“Craig, I recommend creating great content for your blog and embedding related youtube videos into your blog articles.
(CB says – For example, if you have a blog dedicated to growing vegetables in your backyard, write really good articles on this topic, and create youtube videos on the same topic, and then paste the youtube video into your blog article. This will give you the maximum “google effect” for your efforts.)
“Also, every time you add a new post you make sure to focus on a couple keywords of some type.
“Then put those keywords into H1,H2,H3 headers and always have a picture with an alt tag with one of those keywords.
“This makes the posts stand out to Google in such a huge way that you get a lot more search engine traffic.
“You can also install SEOpressor on your wordpress blog to help with this. Every time you do a post just add the keyword in a special box and it will tell you everything you need to do.
“Next, within the post always have at least 1 internal link where you are using a keyword to point to another post on your blog as well.
“Then after you create the post if you can give it 10-50 backlinks it makes a huge difference.
“That’s the process I use to get traffic to a blog fast. I post at least 3-4 times per week, center around a keyword, link to another post, then drive a few hundred backlinks to
that post. I should have the blog up to 1000+ visitors a day in a month or two.
“Following this procedure it’s really easy to get tons of traffic, you just have to be consistent about linking to each and every post and making sure to put all the onsite SEO factors in place to make the page really stand out and join with the backlinks.
“And yes, getting backlinks to every single post can be a pain in the butt, but I have a plugin for that also. It’s a social bookmarking plugin and has about 20 social bookmarking
accounts hooked in. I have one of my VA’s setup all 20 accounts and then I load them into the plugin. Then when you make a post you get 20 backlinks automatically. It’s a huge help.”
Thanks Rick.
Oh, and I know you want the name of that social bookmarking wordpress plugin that Rick mentioned.Rick will tell you tomorrow in our weekly Q’n’A along witha few other tips. Until then…
Crush it,
Craig Ballantyne
“Time = life; therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life.” – Alan Lakein