One Thing Ultra-Successful People Have in Common

Think about what it means to you to be ultra-successful in life.
Chances are, if you’re a high-achiever like me, your goal burns so strongly within you that it can be frustrating if you haven’t achieved it yet.
Maybe it’s financial independence. Or purchasing your dream home. Perhaps it’s more personal than that: a romantic relationship, a happy family, or better health.
Take two minutes to clearly articulate your goal. Be very specific as you picture it in your mind.
Got it?
Now take exactly three minutes to think about why it’s not happening. Notice the emotion that goes along with that feeling.
Notice that sense of frustration rising.
Frustration often comes from sensations of scarcity— of lacking resources or opportunities or even time. Unfortunately, if your mindset is based on scarcity, you could end up having less and less as that disposition seeps into all the decisions you make.
Here’s the problem with approaching your goal with scarcity in mind (and why successful people look at their goals differently)…
I’ve been an avid reader of The Bible for a year and a half. One story tells of a group of people who were tithing to Jesus (giving 10 percent of one’s income). Jesus was looking at all the tithes from the rich and middle class, and he recognized a small gift from a very poor woman.
It’s obvious this woman had very little money. Yet, she shared her livelihood without fear. The money she could use to pay for food or shelter, she willfully forfeited to another.
This tale is a reminder that giving should not only be done when it’s convenient.
No. Giving is an ongoing state of being that seeps into your own pursuit for success.
“Give, and you shall receive,” the phrase rings.
And it turns out, giving is the one thing ultra-successful people have in common.
In other words, they operate out of generosity—not scarcity.
You show me a prosperous person, and I will show you someone who is generous.
Think about it: Bill Gates—hugely generous. Pierre Omidyar (co-founder and current chairman of eBay)—hugely generous. Michael Dell of Dell computers, Ted Turner of TBS, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett … they’re all ultra-successful and have given billions and billions of dollars to causes they’re passionate about.
If there’s anything I know without a doubt, it’s that generosity is connected to abundance.
How can you operate from a place of generosity to spur your future success?
- Get out there and give!
Give whatever it is you need more of. If you need more time, give your time. If you need more money, give your money. If you need more kindness and love, give them with abundance and joy. - Allow people to give to you.
People want to help you. They want to see you succeed. Whether someone is offering their advice or insight, their time or talent, accept the help. If you can’t receive help, you can’t receive anything—not the money you want to make or the success you want to achieve or the love you want to enjoy. - Make your offers from a place of giving, not leverage.
What can you give in a way that people want to be given to? And how can you give without expecting anything back? This makes a huge difference in the way the offer lands. Keep in mind that your offer is a solution to someone else’s pain. It’s not greedy for you to make that offer. - Love from a place of giving.
If you love your partner, your children, your friends in the way they need to be loved, imagine how that’s going to come back to you. - Let go of things—and people—that aren’t working.
Let go of clients, employees, relationships, even belongings that aren’t a good fit for you. Remember, if you release those things, you jumpstart the flow of abundance in your life.
Think back to your big goal, that one achievement you desire most in your life. Then shift your emotions around it so you’re coming from a place of generosity, initiating that flow of abundance.
If you want to learn more tips on how I used generosity to reach by goal of building a multi 7-figure business from my living room (while raising my son!) I’m going to be sharing my story on a special webinar.
Click here to join me! (It’s my gift to you, so begin your practice by accepting!)
Shanda Sumpter
HeartCore Business
About the Author: Shanda Sumpter is the Founder of HeartCore Business. It is her mission to transform your financial life by giving you the step-by-step system you need to get launched and make money.