I Wouldn’t Want To Do Business With Him

Do you know someone who will never tell you what he is thinking? Someone who is circumspect when discussing business? Someone who avoids any conversation about personal feelings? I do. In fact, I can think of several as I write this. They are parsimonious in their language and their speech. What you get from them has been filtered through a mind that says, “I am an important person. I will act as an important person would act.”

Their regal smugness is evident in how they dress, the words they choose, and even their tone of voice. By acting royally, they do achieve a certain elevation. But I don’t trust these people, because I see them as manipulative. And when I don’t trust someone, I am very cautious about doing business with him. A good businessman has nothing to hide, because:

* He is confident in what he does. He has mastered a valuable skill, and this skill enables him to solve problems, discover solutions, and create profits in any kind of business situation. He is happy to share his successes and failures, because he knows he is skillful enough to succeed.

* He is grateful for the help he received in the past. He is not so arrogant as to think that he succeeded all on his own. He acknowledges the help of others and in return is happy to pay back the universe by providing help when needed.

* He wants to learn from others (and recognizes that he will learn more by teaching more). I’m not recommending that you be an open book. I think a modest restraint when it comes to talking about yourself and your business is good and sensible. Yes, it will give you a little extra power now and then, but you shouldn’t do it for that reason. If you do, it will work against you. You should restrain yourself only in order to give yourself time to think.

Consider what you are going to say, take heed of the consequences, and then modify your comments if they should be modified — but don’t withhold unnecessarily. People will see you as a giver, as someone who is open and honest and trustworthy. This reputation, in the long run, will give you much more success than you’ll get by maintaining an aura of mystery.