How to Promote Posts on Facebook
Facebook has a bizarre new option available for your business fan pages.
It allows you to PAY for people who “Like” your pages to see your post.
That’s right, if someone already “Likes” your page, you can now PAY for them to see your page updates.
How cool is that? ***triple sarcasm***
Aren’t they supposed to be able to see your updates as a fan?
That would make sense to me…but not to FB, for some reason.
While this seems like a joke, it’s not.
But I fell for it last week. Let’s look at my results when I PAID Facebook to “allow me” to communicate with my own fans.
I promoted a QnA post to my own fans. It cost me $32 to get it in front of an extra 1,839 fans who ALREADY liked my page.
Fortunately, there is a right way to use this *great* (sarcasm) new Facebook technique. (I’m being serious…answer below.)
I asked Facebook marketing expert, Brian Moran, for his advice on how to use promoted posts.
Do we, *gasp*, use them for commercial intent?
Do we only promote posts that promote a product, sale, or opt-in?
Brian’s answer: “100% yes…I would only promote a post that has a direct Call-To-Action with a link in the post.”
This might sound hard to believe, but Brian, a 25-year old ‘kid’ from Maryland is actually one of the world’s top experts on underground (real results) Facebook marketing.
He has over 225,000 Likes on his page, and he actually knows how to use Facebook fan pages to make money.
I’ve invested over $500 in Brian’s products, and they’ve made my fanpage much better (and we’ve only implemented 10% of Brian’s suggestions).
Get his Facebook Timeline program and put your page on steroids
I “Like” Brian Moran more than Zuck (and you will too).
Get liked and make money,
Craig Ballantyne
“Problems are in your life so that you can discover potentials that you didn’t even know you had.” – Barry Michels