How to Get MORE Done in LESS Time
If you’re a member of Financial Independence Monthly, you should be enjoying every issue with a fine cup of coffee or Green Tea, late on a relaxing Saturday morning…
…or perhaps while you travel (I read most of the newsletters I subscribe to on flights to seminars)
…or at the end of a workday while sitting at your kitchen table before dinner.
Perhaps you’ll even be like my friend Vinny who reads the entire newsletter in his car after he gets it from his mailbox.
There’s one time of day that is inappropriate for reading your copy of Financial Independence Monthly, and that is during your “Magic Time”.
Instead, your magic time is to be protected – ruthlessly – with all of your energy.
You see, it’s during your magic time that you’re able to complete two hours of work in just thirty minutes.
If that sounds a little confusing, I completely understand. But it makes sense if you look at the following case study.
For me, my magic time is first thing in the morning. If I try to write an article at 2pm, it will take me almost two hours to complete the same amount of work that I’d be able to do first thing in the morning.
For example, this article was written at 6:17am before taking my pup, Bally the Dog, out for his morning walk. I zipped through it. But had I tried to write this before his evening walk, I would have struggled to complete it in one sitting.
As the day goes on, my mind tends to wander and become easily distracted. But during my morning magic time, I’m focused like a laser beam attached to a shark’s head.
I also truly believe that most people will find their magic time to be early in the day, before appointments, obstacles, and emergencies start taking up your time.
In a typical day it becomes next to impossible to find time to get your most important work done as the day goes on.
That’s why I’m a big fan of this saying, “You don’t find time for success, you MAKE time for success.”
You MAKE time by planning ahead and blocking out your magic time so you can work on important projects. And again, it’s much, much easier to make time early in the day.
Each morning I get up and write for 60 minutes, before I take the dog out, before I eat breakfast, before I exercise.
In fact, writing for 60 minutes in the morning is now one of the RULES I live by.
This 60 minutes is my magic time. It’s a habit I started back in my 20’s when I was a struggling personal trainer trying to transition from an in-person service business to an international website-based business.
At 4:30am every morning, regardless of what time I went to bed the night before, my alarm would go off and I’d spend the next 20 minutes working on content for my fitness info business.
In those 20 minutes I’d get more accomplished than if I set aside 2 hours at night. My mind was fresh and creative, and perhaps even working off of what my subconscious had created overnight (but that’s another story for another day when I outline my complete – and crazy – creative process).
Had I slept in and not spent that 20 minutes each morning moving my business ahead, it’s likely that my success would have been delayed for many more years.
On the other hand, had I realized earlier in life how important it was for me to protect my “magic time”, I would have started sacrificing the money I made training clients at 6am and devoted that time to writing instead.
That small sacrifice of immediate income would resulted in much faster online success.
Oh well, nothing I can do…BUT you can learn a big lesson from this.
The choice is yours. Ultimately, you must make time in your schedule in order to go after your American Dream, and that means protecting – ruthlessly – your magic time.
Your journey will not be without sacrifice. No one reading this email has time to waste. What little free time we do have, we want to spend with family and enjoying the fruits of our current labor.
However, the times are changing.
Those who make time to build their own financial independence with a website business will survive the turbulent times ahead, much like the proverbial man who built his house on solid rock, while those who remain dependent upon their job or the government build their futures on sinking sand.
I can’t emphasize enough how important it is for you to identify YOUR magic time.
Find a way to make this magic time available for your most important projects. Seize the day, and with it, your chance at financial independence.
Nothing is as powerful as your magic time,
Craig Ballantyne
“That’s thirty minutes away. I’ll be there in ten.” – The Wolf, Pulp Fiction
page and post title: How to Get MORE Done in LESS Time
If you’re a member of Financial Independence Monthly, you should be enjoying every issue with a fine cup of coffee or Green Tea, late on a relaxing Saturday morning…
…or perhaps while you travel (I read most of the newsletters I subscribe to on flights to seminars)
…or at the end of a workday while sitting at your kitchen table before dinner.
Perhaps you’ll even be like my friend Vinny who reads the entire newsletter in his car after he gets it from his mailbox.
There’s one time of day that is inappropriate for reading your copy of Financial Independence Monthly, and that is during your “Magic Time”.
Instead, your magic time is to be protected – ruthlessly – with all of your energy.
You see, it’s during your magic time that you’re able to complete two hours of work in just thirty minutes.
If that sounds a little confusing, I completely understand. But it makes sense if you look at the following case study.
For me, my magic time is first thing in the morning. If I try to write an article at 2pm, it will take me almost two hours to complete the same amount of work that I’d be able to do first thing in the morning.
For example, this article was written at 6:17am before taking my pup, Bally the Dog, out for his morning walk. I zipped through it. But had I tried to write this before his evening walk, I would have struggled to complete it in one sitting.
As the day goes on, my mind tends to wander and become easily distracted. But during my morning magic time, I’m focused like a laser beam attached to a shark’s head.
I also truly believe that most people will find their magic time to be early in the day, before appointments, obstacles, and emergencies start taking up your time.
In a typical day it becomes next to impossible to find time to get your most important work done as the day goes on.
That’s why I’m a big fan of this saying, “You don’t find time for success, you MAKE time for success.”
You MAKE time by planning ahead and blocking out your magic time so you can work on important projects. And again, it’s much, much easier to make time early in the day.
Each morning I get up and write for 60 minutes, before I take the dog out, before I eat breakfast, before I exercise.
In fact, writing for 60 minutes in the morning is now one of the RULES I live by.
This 60 minutes is my magic time. It’s a habit I started back in my 20’s when I was a struggling personal trainer trying to transition from an in-person service business to an international website-based business.
At 4:30am every morning, regardless of what time I went to bed the night before, my alarm would go off and I’d spend the next
20 minutes working on content for my fitness info business.
In those 20 minutes I’d get more accomplished than if I set aside 2 hours at night. My mind was fresh and creative, and perhaps even working off of what my subconscious had created overnight (but that’s another story for another day when I outline my complete – and crazy – creative process).
Had I slept in and not spent that 20 minutes each morning moving my business ahead, it’s likely that my success would have been delayed for many more years.
On the other hand, had I realized earlier in life how important it was for me to protect my “magic time”, I would have started sacrificing the money I made training clients at 6am and devoted that time to writing instead.
That small sacrifice of immediate income would resulted in much faster online success.
Oh well, nothing I can do…BUT you can learn a big lesson from this.
The choice is yours. Ultimately, you must make time in your schedule in order to go after your American Dream, and that means protecting – ruthlessly – your magic time.
Your journey will not be without sacrifice. No one reading this email has time to waste. What little free time we do have, we want to spend with family and enjoying the fruits of our current labor.
However, the times are changing.
Those who make time to build their own financial independence with a website business will survive the turbulent times ahead, much like the proverbial man who built his house on solid rock, while those who remain dependent upon their job or the government build their futures on sinking sand.
I can’t emphasize enough how important it is for you to identify YOUR magic time.
Find a way to make this magic time available for your most important projects. Seize the day, and with it, your chance at financial independence.
Nothing is as powerful as your magic time,
Craig Ballantyne
“That’s thirty minutes away. I’ll be there in ten.”
– The Wolf, Pulp Fiction