Goal Setting and Visualization
My journey continues…
…today we are leaving Thailand for Malaysia where Matt Smith and I will be doing a presentation and brainstorming session with the MindValley.com team.
But because of those factors, and due to having minimal Internet access, I don’t have time to write a full report today, so I’m dipping into the success story vault to bring you a great interview.
You might even get goosebumps as you listen to this one:
A lot of people ask me if goal setting, visualization, and other mindset techniques really work.
I know they do.
And so does today’s success story.
Let him explain everything in detail here:
You’ll be a believer soon.
It works,
Craig Ballantyne
“It is infinitely easier to become a millionaire by becoming the kind of person deserved of being a millionaire and likely to sustain being a millionaire, than it is to pursue just the million dollars.” – Dan Kennedy