$100K in 12 Months – Part 2: Getting Affiliates
We covered a lot of ground in your “Blueprint to Making $100K Online in Just 12 Months”.
(If you missed it, click here to read Part 1 of your $100K in 12 Months plan.)
Those first 3 months will lay a super-strong foundation for your online success. But to really automate your business and take it to the next level, you have to cover the next 3 steps you have to take to get well on your way to $100K.
By the way, next week I’m going to show you a completely radical way to make $100K in 12 months…but I’m getting ahead of myself.
First, let’s continue on with Months 4-6.
1) Get 2-3 New BIG Affiliates
Time to hunt down those big affiliates…the whales. You’ve got the sales snowball rolling and you have data you can bring to the bigger affiliates to PROVE that promoting your product will make money.
You need to have these 3 things in place to attract affiliates:
a) high affiliate commissions (both % of sale and total $$$ amount)
b) sales copy that converts
c) low refunds
And preferably recurring commissions, too. Oh, and a good answer to this question:
“Why should someone promote you over every one else out there?”
And you want to show affiliates these numbers from past promotions:
a) How much money is made per click
b) The open rate of the emails you have written for them.
This info proves it is worthwhile for them and makes it easy for them to promote. All they need to do is copy and paste your email.
Now, how do you contact affiliates? Well, it’s simple.
Find people with relevant websites and products and ask them to take a look at your work. If its a good product and a good fit, chances are you’ll have a new affiliate.
POWER MOVE #1: Promote their product first.
If you make a few affiliate sales of their product, you can email them and say:
“Hey, I love your product and so do my readers. I sent out an email for it last week and made __ sales. It really goes well with my product because _____. If there’s anything I can do to help you out, please let me know. By the way, here’s access to my product if you want to check it out. It would help your readers achieve ____. And if you’d like to share it with them, I have pre-done proven emails used by affiliates to make $___ per click.”
POWER MOVE #2: Here’s a politically incorrect tip for affiliate whale hunting: Wear them down. Never give up. Most affiliates will say yes to a decent offer if you ask them enough. Seriously.
Now that said, you always be working on building relationships with potential affiliates. Help others as much possible. Go to the internet marketing seminars and meet them. Be a good person.
I guess the truth is, ATTRACTING affiliates is much better than hunting affiliates.
This was the biggest thing I did from day one in my online business. I interviewed others, submitted articles to others, promoted others who I thought had good stuff. Eventually, some of that good will found its way back to me.
POWER MOVE #3: Don’t forget to look outside the industry. Look for other businesses that serve the same demographic, even if they are in a different industry. For example, I’ve had successful affiliates who sell business advice to busy executives.
Attract affiliates by making a name for yourself…and remember yesterday’s POWER STRATEGY: Act as if there is no such thing as an affiliate willing to promote your product. Work as if YOU had to make ALL sales of your product.
But that said, I suggest one more POWER MOVE: Make a goal of contacting one new affiliate everyday.
Whew, that’s just a start of working with affiliates, but that`ll keep you busy for 6 months.
2) Get Traffic Based on Your Personality
You’ve probably never heard this strategy before, but look at it this way. I know successful business owners who get their traffic from all sources.
Some guys are SEO-based. Others do only product launches. Other guys are some of the best at pay-per-click.
But none of them are an expert at ALL of them.
They succeed at the strategy that best suits their personality.
Figure out what fits you…because you’ll be more likely to stick to it.
POWER STRATEGY: One of the most unexploited method of getting traffic is doing live events. If you can create opportunities to speak in front of your prospects, do it. You’ll be seen as a big-time expert and you’ll build a stronger connection with clients than you could
through email or even video. Plus, filming a live event is one of the fastest ways to create a high-value product.
3) Work the System
Your work will never be done – if you want to improve or even to just maintain. If you try to coast, your business will slowly decay.
But hey, this stuff is fun, right? Set up a system so that you are consistently blogging, improving your writing, tracking-testing-planning, and increasing conversions on your site. Rinse and repeat. Kaizen. Whatever you want to call it, get it done.
4) Maximize Your Time & Energy
You can make a few bucks online – about $3K per month – even if you are disorganized. But if you want to breakthrough the 6-figure ceiling, you must use your time wisely.
I’ve talked about this again and again…for more details, read my posts HERE and HERE.
5) Delegation/Customer Service
Time for you to stop doing $10 an hour tasks. After all, you’d have to work 20 hours a day at $10 an hour, 5 days per week, just to make $52K per year.
Obviously you can’t be doing customer service, editing videos, setting up your websites, etc., etc.
To make $100K you have to dedicated your time to what brings IN the money…and that’s selling, first and foremost.
Alright, that’s next level stuff, and will take you from the $30K per year level to the $100K per year.
Tomorrow, we’ll hit mindset and a new POWER EXERCISE for rapid cash flow.
Click here to read Part 3 of Your $100K in 12 Months plan.
Oh, and do me a quick favor?
Please tell your friends about this article. Thanks!
Greatly appreciated.
Halfway to $100K,
Craig Ballantyne
“You are rolling a rock uphill and so you need to do everything to get momentum boosts and you can never stop because if you do you’ll start going backwards.” – Seth Godin