Feeling the Pinch – and How to Pinch Back

So are you feeling the pinch these days?

When the economy slides like it has over the last year or so, the knee-jerk reaction is to tighten the belt. Business owners look at the bottom line, see what’s not absolutely necessary, and get rid of it.

But I suggest you look BEYOND the bottom line. Because downturns like we’re experiencing are just that – downturns. Which means the logical next step is what?

That’s right – an UP-turn.

So if you can brave the storm and stay focused on the future of your business instead of the immediate, then you’ll be perfectly positioned when the pendulum starts to swing the other way.

Which means while everyone else is scrambling to get back in the game, you’ll already be miles ahead of your competition. Why? Because you didn’t panic when times got tough – you just worked smarter.

Makes sense, doesn’t it?

We’ve made some difficult decisions at Strategic Profits over the past few months. And those decisions – no matter how tough – were engineered with one goal in mind: to make our company more profitable both today AND tomorrow. And it’s working. We’re on our way to a record-breaking year, and 2009 looks even bigger and brighter.

So how can you keep your head above water while still finding ways to increase profits and grow your business?

Never – EVER – skimp on investing in your business development. Focus on the areas where you may be weakest and search for learning opportunities to help improve those skills.

Is it traffic generation? Product creation? Branding and promotion? These are crucial elements in your journey to become successful. And now’s the perfect time to dive in and get educated about them.

Though it may seem like a new coaching program or business-building system will be detrimental to the bottom line, you’ll actually be making huge strides toward GROWING it. Soon, you’ll find yourself stronger and more confident in those areas. And when the UP-turn happens (it will happen, trust me), you’ll be perfectly positioned to maximize your efforts and experience tremendous profit growth.

[Ed. Note: The best way to position yourself for the inevitable UP-turn? Join ETR’s Internet Money Club. This program offers personal coaching that will walk you, step by step, through everything it takes to start and grow your own Internet business. Learn the details here.

Rich Schefren, known in marketing circles as “The Guru’s Guru,” is an online business exploder whose clients rake in more than $500 million every year – piling up more than $1 billion in sales every two years. Visit his blog to learn how to streamline your business while skyrocketing profits.]

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