Blacksmith Liberty and Entrepreneurship Camp

Last week in Bangkok we met up with a cool young guy from Slovenia named Jure. He’s a true renegade and gives me hope for the millenial generation (which can otherwise be downright scary at times).

Jure not only attended our Blacksmith Liberty and Entrepreneurship camp last summer, but he then followed that up by driving from Slovenia through Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India and all the way to southeast Asia, including Vietnam and Bangkok.  and Bangkok.

He’s an adventurer.

An action taker.

A young person not afraid to get out of their comfort zone and willing to seek a better life full of incredible opportunities, rather than the same old thing that his friends are settling into back home (where they are unhappy and complaining about it).

If Jure’s attitude of seeking his peak potential sounds like the way you think, then I want you to watch the short video I’ve prepared for you on The Blacksmith Camp website (scroll down).

Each year, my friends Simon Black and Matt Smith host a 4-day camp in the beautiful Lithuanian countryside, and they let me join them in teaching Liberty and Entrepreneurship to over 35 college students from around the world.

BTW, the camp is free. You just have to get yourself there.  

If you are between 18-25 and you want to change the world – and  your world – then watch my video, read the amazing feedback from past attendees, and then take a couple of minutes to put together your own video application (it doesn’t need to be fancy, just sincere).

I can’t say enough about the students who have attended in the past.

Some of them, like Julian from New Zealand, Viktorija from Lithuania, Jure from Slovenia, and Lindall from the UK have become friends for life. I love hearing from them, full of youthful adventure and passion about the future. And often teaching this old dog a new trick or two.

Another one of the past attendees, Dan West from Sweden, has not only become a great friend, but also an invaluable part of the Early to Rise team.

Dan gets to be mentored by Matt Smith, gets consultations from Rick Porter on SEO, and works with me on important day-to-day operations as we work towards our 1 Million Transformation Mission each day.

Dan gets paid to do what he loves while learning from the best.

It truly was a life-changing experience for him to attend the event last summer.

I’d like to be able to say the same for you next year.

But it all starts with your decision to apply.

If you need a little more info, watch my video here.

My video’s a little dark because we filmed it around the resort pool late Friday night in Pattaya, Thailand…but it’s not the video quality that matters, it’s the message that counts.

Just remember that when you send in your application.

And I will see you in a couple of months in Lithuania,

Craig Ballantyne

PS – Alex…

…if you’re reading this, I think you should attend.

PPS – If you’re not 18-25…

…please share this opportunity with those who are if you think they would benefit from this opportunity.

Whether it is yond of the family, someone you work with, or even the local high school, you could be making a HUGE difference in the future of a young person…and perhaps in the future of the world.

Just send them to the application page here

At some point it will be up to you – and ONLY you – to make a decision. Whether it is who to vote for, what diet to follow, or career to choose, what expert to listen to, or what to believe. There will never be an area of life where every ‘expert’ is in consensus…not in health, not in real estate, and not in fixing the economy. And that’s GOOD news. Because it gives you the opportunity to choose what is right for you.