Become a Travel Writer
Dear Fellow Early to Rise Reader,
If you’ve ever wanted to travel the world and get paid to do it, there’s now a way to realize that dream. This letter is your motivation to make a wonderful change in your life a surprisingly quick and easy way to do something you love, make a lot of money and enjoy the adventure of travel.
What I’m talking about is actually a blend of business and pleasure the kind ETR recommends. It’s an example of what MMF calls “chicken entrepreneurship.” That’s what you’re doing when you start a side business cheaply – one that you can learn about and grow into while you have the safe and steady income from your main job. It’s also provides a chance to earn extra income while you sample a personal passion like travel.
Hi, I’m Jennifer Stevens and, just like you, I’m a regular reader of Early to Rise. I’ve known MMF for 5 years. He’s helped me a lot professionally and I’m consistently impressed with how much I benefit from his daily ETR messages.
So much of what we learn in ETR is about a more fulfilled life, about living out our dreams – which always makes me want to stand up and cheer. And, because I think many of you feel the same way, I wanted to approach you, my fellow ETR readers, with a great new personally fulfilling business opportunity.
Right now, especially with so much uncertainty about traveling, the travel industry needs writers who can remind readers of the many benefits of travel. More than ever, travel promoters are looking for help in getting the public out and traveling.
Now there is more opportunity than ever before for travel writers. Promoters, brokers, hotels, airlines and destination businesses need writers to restore the public’s appetite for pleasure travel…and to promote the great bargains that are being offered today. Travel publishers, marketers and editors are more eager than ever to pay writers to visit exotic destinations, sample (for free) the sights, sounds and tastes and relate their adventures to a public that still wants to satisfy their “wanderlust.”
“How,” you might ask, “can I get a job like that?”
The truth is it’s not hard to write about travel. There are some basic rules and a half dozen “secrets,” but that’s about all. I know because I’ve been doing it myself for years.
As a writer, I’ve spent the better part of the last decade trotting around the globe…Europe, Central America, the Caribbean, South America, and North America…thoroughly enjoying it and getting paid for my efforts. It’s from this experience and a desire to share what I’ve learned, that I’ve put together Passport to Romance: The Ultimate Travel Writer’s Course. It teaches you, quickly and easily, the specific skills and techniques you’ll need to succeed as I have.
As a freelance writer, you’ll have the opportunity to visit the world’s most romantic, exciting and offbeat destinations. Your “office” might be a luxury suite in Paris’ Latin Quarter (this is one of my favorite places to “work”)…or a first-class berth on a cruise ship steaming through the Caribbean.
Your “research” might include taking in the latest London theatre production, watching the Russian ballet (as one of my colleagues did recently), or dining in Hong Kong’s trendiest restaurant.
In fact, your “job” will be to discover exciting and romantic experiences that most people have to pay for on their annual two weeks of vacation.
The biggest misconception about travel writers is that it’s an exclusive club, open only to members who have the right degree from the right college…or to those who have spent a decade toiling away in a hectic newsroom. Wrong on both counts.
You see, before I became a freelance writer, I edited several business and travel publications. Over the years, I’ve worked with more than 1,000 writers and I can tell you from firsthand experience that some of the best ones had no formal training whatsoever.
They came from a variety of backgrounds: teachers, engineers, carpenters, bankers, lawyers, doctors and salesmen. Working closely with me and other editors, these people were able to learn the secrets of what it takes to be successful in this business.
It’s essential to have someone with the right experience explain how to avoid making all the usual “rookie” mistakes (which result in most travel articles landing in what we call the “slush pile”)…so that you can create publishable articles right away.
That’s why I decided to sit down and, with the help of my close colleagues, write down all the tips, tricks, techniques and secrets we’ve learned over the years. A lot of it is the stuff we learned the hard way…but you won’t have to. You’ll get the complete benefit of our collective experience…nothing is held back.
Believe me, I wish someone had told me these things when I was just starting out. These are the techniques and secrets that have helped me land the best assignments over and over again, and have cut my actual writing time in half.
If you are at all interested in writing…and you like to travel, I think you’d be foolish not to consider travel writing as a part-time “job.” Making money…while traveling around the world…how does a job get any better than that?
Best regards,
Jennifer Stevens
Freelance Travel Writer
Author of Passport to Romance: The Ultimate Travel Writer’s Course
P.S. The other thing that can really get your travel writing career off the ground fast is to have the right inside connections in the publishing industry. I can help here too, because I still keep in touch with editors and publishers I’ve worked with over the years. I can tell you which publishers are looking for exactly which kind of story…who to definitely contact…and who not to waste your time with.