We Love Our Fans!
We get so much amazing feedback from all of our fans and customers that we wanted to share them with you! Take a look below and if you have an inspiring story you’d like to share with us please email us at support@etrhelp.com. We’d love to hear from you!!
Never in a million years would I have expected this from an old high school friend…
“Craig! I recently stumbled upon your TT Facebook page and Early to Rise website when I was searching for a way to revamp my gratitude journaling. I am happy to see how well you are doing and just wanted to send well wishes your way. I have been enjoying the challenge of your Turbulence workouts too! Since discovering your short 4min. workout you-tube videos I have started doing them with my employees for a quick mid-day stress buster, its been very useful! All the best to you for continued success.” – Julie, Stratford Central High School, class of 1994
“I love your motivational posts…I’ve got your 6 and skinny…I’m doing the morning workout but still working on moving more and eating better…the kicker is I quit smoking back in Dec but I’ve been struggling a lot recently…keep posting Craig…the posts really do keep me going even if it’s just an inch at a time. – Camille Johnson
“That was the cutest email I have ever read!! I just love Bally the dog! (I hope he’s real!) I was raised in San Diego. It is my hometown. If you live in San Diego and are not fit and healthy, they kick you out! That’s why I live in Maui! Just kidding. I’m a surfer and the Big Waves are on the north shores of Hawaii. Happy Birthday! Life only gets better after 40! A sincere fan of your work!” – Wilheimenia
“Hi Craig, I LOVE these workouts so far!! They are short, sweet and tough! They are perfect for my life as a mother of 2 toddlers with not much time to exercise! I look forward to seeing results!! Thank you SO much!!” –Jennifer
“Hi Craig. Have been following your 6-minute routine with shakes for last two months. I have seen noticeable improvement in tone of arms and lower body. I’ve been receiving lots of comments from people thinking that I have lost weight although my weight rarely moves. Also, I have TRX bands at home and do yoga for 90 minutes once a week. My weight is exactly the same as it was 2 months ago. I am female, age 54, 5’6″ tall and weight is 138. I am hoping to drop some extra pounds. Sending you this since you asked…I’ll keep you updated.” – Paula
“Hi, I’m really enjoying the workout – short and tough is the right way for me. The morning thing I have to get used to because I’m usually tired. I’ve never enjoyed running even how many times I’ve tried. I like the short burst of “pain” and the effort makes me forget for how long or how hard it actually is…I’ve been living with depression for several years now and it can get really tough getting the exercise or anything else done. So the thought of doing 4 or 6 minutes is easier for me to handle. I might then do it in a slower pace but better than nothing, right? If I do exercises which are too hard for too long my body shuts down for several days with fatigue and a flue-kind of pain in my body. I’m getting my husband on board – he’s been doing the same treadmill/ weight machine thing for many years now so I keep talking to him about the benefit of the short training passes. He’ll try it out now! Thanks for a great exercise experience.” – Jeanette
“I wanted to thank you for what you are doing. I recently turned 50 and realized I wasn’t happy with where I was physically. I picked up your 8 Minutes to Alpha program and couldn’t be happier with the results. When I started, I couldn’t even finish most of the 4-minute programs after doing the warm-up. I’m still only doing a warm-up and a single 4-minute program but the results I’m seeing are amazing. I’ve been at it for about 8 weeks, and I haven’t even been able to be consistent for the past 3-4 weeks due to my mother being in the hospital. However, as of this morning, I’m 15 pounds lighter, I’ve moved two notches on my belts AND I’ve added over an inch to each arm and over two inches to my chest. I’m 6’2″ and started out at 225lbs. Now, I get compliments everywhere I go and I feel absolutely great! I’m about ready to raise the bar and start combining two 4-minute workouts each day. I’m excited to see the results I get from that…. Keep up the good work. Thanks, again! – Philip
“I’m 71 (halfway to 72). Three years ago I signed up for the two-on-one coaching program with Joel Marion and Dan Long and followed the regimen faithfully for six months and lost about 30 lbs. The workouts were tough, but I was doing remarkably well by the time I dropped out, two years ago in January. I even signed up for a tennis league that spring (2013), for the first time ever and played regularly. I did not pick back up on the exercise regimen though. 2014 was an extremely busy year for us. I’ve gained back about 10 lbs and know I need to exercise again. I really liked the look of the workout you sent yesterday, and it looked pretty easy in comparison to what I was doing a couple of years ago. So today I did start with just your warm-up, and I came face-to-face with reality. I shouldn’t have slipped so far behind. Just from the warm-up! I will commit to 10-minutes a day. I can tell that I’ve slipped farther, faster than I thought. I can do it! But I will have to build back up again. Thanks very much for the program.” – Cheryl
“Dear Craig, you have no idea how this quote affected me. You wrote:
‘No matter how dark the day, no matter how deep the dip in your life, when all else fails all you can do is keep on pushing. It’s what you must do no matter what life throws at you. Never lose your drive and determination. Never give up on something that is important to you. Keep on pushing through anything and everything. No matter what.’
My husband died just over a month ago, and I have been through the darkest days and deepest despair of my life, and just trying to find my way and purpose has been an impossible task. However, he has left a legacy (he was a musician, and so am I) which I am going to keep alive. He has also inspired me to pursue my own musical path in ways I would not have considered before. I am determined to push through anything and everything to make this happen. Thank you.” – Sabina
“Hi Craig! Your workouts are totally what I needed! I am a very busy lady running my Personal Training business and working full time for an Elementary school! I adore the workouts and the results I am getting in such a short time! I am 50 yrs old and looking strong and sassy! Thanks from my heart!” – Lolly
“Hi Craig, I just started the 6 minutes to skinny two weeks ago and wanted to let you know I love it!! I had been doing a lot of walking and drinking protein shakes but after starting your 4 minutes work out and adding the banana to my shake I feel so much better all day. Love everything so far includingyour customer service which is awesome. Thanks.” – Brenda
“I consider myself to be in pretty good shape. Yesterday after completing the first video I noticed an even more defined shape in my body by the afternoon. I was really impressed. I felt pumped and energised all day long. Thumbs up so far :)” – Mandy, from Australia
“Thanks for the workout. I had to go to work at 4:30am and drive for 10 hours. I did your workout at 2:50am and then did it again after I got home at 6:30pm. Thanks for providing short, intense workouts I can do on days like today! Looking forward to doing this one early tomorrow morning before hitting the road again!” – Julie
“Thanks so much for your motivation. You replied to my comment and encouraged me to stay strong because I was wavering. I hung in there with that boost. Proud to say, with your program, I’ve lost 3 pounds since Monday! I had been on a plateau for several weeks and was discouraged. You’ve given me a new spark. THANK YOU!!!” – Donna
“I wanted to thank you for the terrific book, Living Rich. It’s packed with good and solid advice. Much of it is stuff I already do and some advice is very American and not relevant, as I live in London, England. But I enjoyed the book a great deal. Thank you to Mark for writing such good advice. With good wishes.” – Greer
“Craig, I have your 4-minute miracle exercise video and love it. My chubby thighs are going away and my rear is getting more defined instead of that spread. This is the BEST workout ever. And believe me I know. I am 49 years old and have done all the workouts including P90X, Insanity, and others. I feel that in four minutes I get more done and with no injuries as opposed to Insanity and P90X. I have spent years lifting weights in the gym and done intense cardio as well…but this workout gives you the best bang for your buck or time spent. Hands down. (Typically, I will add in a second or third video but still in 8 to 12 minutes, I am done). Way to go. Btw, my 82 year old mother asked me if she could get a copy of your workout. She was serious. How cute is that? I am so happy with my thighs and butt. Sorry, that sounds so conceited, but honestly, I am blessed with a pear shaped body and a leaner waist, but I am getting that older spread. So, thank you. I feel young again. I just couldn’t see doing hours in the gym when your workouts give me a better result.” – Stephanie
“Thank you for the motivation – I have lost 38 points on my cholestorol since last May. I believe it actually is a much bigger number as I was horrible to myself until January 2015. Also have dropped 3 pants sizes and 3 shirt sizes. Your posts help me to stand strong when I want to be weak. Thank you!” – Karri Klee
“You are such an inspiration to me and I’m thankful for every new day. I have lost over 60 pounds since I have been doing your workouts every morning and plan to continue on my weight loss journey. I know it’s hard at times but if you stay strong and stick to it the benefits are awesome.” – Candice
“Found your youtube and started doing some of your workouts. They helped me break through a plateau I’d been on for months. I’m a busy full time working Mom so I am starting you 6 minutes to skinny tomorrow and very excited! Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge!” – Angelene
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*You can get a free copy of Mark Ford’s latest book Living Rich: How to Live as Well as a Billionaire on a Middle-Class Budget.