Action Steps

I have a rule:

The best day to have a sale is a day that ends in “y”.

I can pretty much invent a reason to have a sale any day.

And so when there is a real reason to have a sale, like Mother’s Day weekend here in North America, it always surprises me when businesses overlook this opportunity to promote themselves.

You should have a calendar planned out for your promotions.

If you don’t have one, sit down this weekend for 30 minutes and plan out the next 3 months for your sales and special offers, tying into holidays when you can.

There’s never a shortage of opportunity to make more sales.

A couple more action steps you should be taking all the time:

1) Contact one new affiliate each day

Create a list of potential affiliates. Keep a spreadsheet, that’s what I do. Have the name in one column, and the last day you contacted them in another column. Keep a third column open and write-in reasons to contact them (focusing mostly on helping them).

For example, maybe you’ve found an article online or a resource that will help them. Send that to them. Don’t ask for anything. Just help. Build the relationship.

2) Give a gift a day

I try and spend $50 per day sending gifts to online buddies and affiliates.

Now obviously you don’t have to spend that much, but a handwritten note goes a long way these days.

Send out a couple each week to people you want to thank and build a better relationship with.

3) Focus on PROCESS goals

One of our top dawgs in my Mastermind Group, Rick Kaselj, of recently emailed me and basically said:

“I was focused on just making money in the early part of the year, and it was going okay. But I once I shifted to focusing on action taking steps, such as writing X number of articles, creating X number of youtube videos each week, contacting X number of affiliates. That’s when I finally started making more money.”

So follow Rick’s lead and have a list of action steps to take each week.

Focusing on the PROCESS is just as important as the OUTCOME.

Rick is a major action taker, and definitely a front-runner to win one of the $250 prizes in our before and after contest.

Hope you are working towards that as well,

Craig Ballantyne