About Your Dreams and Desires

We need to get honest here.
We need to talk about your beliefs.
We need to be frank about your hunger.
We need to get clear about your dreams and desires.
You need to take a good hard look at your actions and ask if these actions are in alignment with what you want to achieve.
If you have big goals and dreams, are you taking massive action on the right choices?
Or are you piddling away the day?
Here’s a story of one man that did things right, and his story will show YOU the way.
Kenny was hungry. He was frustrated. He was broke. He was, and is, like me, an introvert. He wasn’t satisfied with where he was in life. He was sick of getting turned down for opportunities (like when he applied to do an apprenticeship with me and was denied because I didn’t feel he was ready). He turned these feelings into hunger for improvement and a burning desire for success.
It’s tough, a tough world out there, you know, and being broke, frustrated, and introverted is not an easy place to be in life.
Kenny wanted success and so he turned his energy towards good. He studied. He learned from his mentors and the masters, and he took action on what we told him to do. He knew that to succeed he needed to become a great sales person. In his case, that meant copywriting, because let’s be honest, there was no way Kenny was going to become the world’s best door-to-door pots’n’pans salesman. He and I are no Zig Ziglar. Never were, never will be.
Fortunately, the internet is the great equalizer. You don’t have to be an outgoing schmoozer to make a LOT of money and help a lot of people by selling them valuable goods and services. Instead, you can — literally — sit at home in your underwear in your bedroom, study copy, write a sales letter, and change people’s lives.
That’s what Kenny he did. He went to work, studied hard, and he did one other big thing… he stepped up and out of his comfort zone and attended a 1-Day Mastermind Meeting with Bedros and I in San Diego. This was a BIG LEAP for Kenny. But everyone — especially him — is glad that he made it.
He’s a great kid and he’s helping so many people today. His first salesletter did okay. It gave him some confidence. Then he wrote a second one … and BLAMMO. The rest is history. He now has 15,000 customers in under two months. He’ll sell a million dollars worth of his information product to people all over the world. He’s already changed more lives than most people will after working for 40 years (and he’s only 25).
You can see the stress is now off his shoulders. He knows he’s so good that people can no longer ignore him. He’s become a Go-Giver, as our friend Bob Burg advises, and he’s giving back and adding value to the world. I’m so proud of him.
But it all started with his hunger to be good and his desire for success.
He wanted to help people more than anything, and now he has, and today his story is helping YOU. He’s the Go-Giver that you can become, too.
The world needs to hear the same story about YOU. It’s not that you’re an introvert or that you’re frustrated or broke. You might be one of the above, or all three, or none. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you know you want to help people. But you don’t know how. Fortunately, Bedros and I have the answers for you.
It’s time for the world to hear YOUR story. It’s time for the world to get YOUR solution in their hands so that you can help hundreds, thousands, or like Kenny, TENS of thousands of people all over the world – people that you will never meet, but people that are better off because of you.
Whether you help people fix their marriages, buy the home of their dreams, lose weight and look great, get out of credit card debt, stop kids from getting bullied, or get into the college of their choice, it doesn’t matter … all of these solutions are delivered using the same internet system.
It’s time for you to go ALL-IN.
Here’s the best advice for YOU. Every morning I read a quote from Bedros to inspire me to action. Today’s quote was as if he was right beside me giving advice directly to me. This advice is the exact advice that Kenny followed a few months ago. And it’s the best advice for you today, too.
“You must apply all the info you have,” Bedros said, “You can’t just gather information. You must take action. Many folks invest time and money in learning new skills but are still broke because they haven’t put them into use. Be an action taker, not an info gatherer. Don’t just talk. Do! Avoid self-sabotage. Get outside your comfort zone. Fail forward. Take responsibility for your success by being an action-taker. Those who don’t take personal responsibility and don’t take action will be in the same place 12 months from now, only a year older. That’s not good. I know you’re different and I know you are an action-taker. You want a better life and you deserve it so go out and get it.”
You need more?
Here’s what I say:
Never give up. Never, ever, EVER give up on what is important to you. Kenny didn’t. And when I was young, broke, frustrated, and introverted, I didn’t give up either.
We struggled through the dark days and dips in life and came out better on the other side.
“If you’re going through hell,” Churchill once said, “Keep going.”
It’s not easy, but it’s simple. The path to your dreams has been blazed by the pioneers that have gone before you. It’s time for you to follow the same steps to achieve all that you desire.
You can do it. You will do it. But it all starts with the clarity of knowing what matters.
Once you have clarity of purpose and a burning desire, then you need to connect with the right people and mentors. You need to leave your comfort zone and master the valuable tools of the trade, like Kenny did, by learning from us – in person.
You need to connect with other big movers and shakers in your industry at events. That’s what introverted Kenny did. That’s what I did. And let me tell you, it was tough. The conversations were awkward. There were a lot of false starts. But there were some FAST breakthroughs too. And it all happened by taking congruent action in alignment with our goals.
Your success story needs to be told.
Your time is now.
So ask yourself this…
In 12 months from now, what will your life look like? Will you take the next step and join us next month where you’ll experience more progress in 12 hours than you have in the last 12 months? You better, because that’s an action in alignment with your dreams and desires. And you know that’s what you have to do.
You can be the next success story like Kenny. You can be as fast as him, going from one meeting with us to 15,000 customers in under 90 days. You can become so good that they can’t ignore you. You can channel your burning desire into your dreams. You can. You will.
See you soon – on November 6th and 7th in Irvine, California, at our Info Workshop Blueprint.
Time to go take action and have the success YOU desire and deserve.
NOTE: Please hurry and reserve your spot at the Info Workshop Blueprint weekend. There are only 21 spots left (only 60 total, since it’s a small group hands-on workshop-style event, AND the Early Bird Price goes up on Friday, October 9th.