6 “Secret” Keys to Mastering Your Social Marketing and Driving Explosive Business Growth

Guess where I make most of my money.
I’ll give you a little hint.
It’s not from my speaking at the big conferences where I keynote, or from coaching CEO’s of big companies, or even from special sales to my email list (although we do pretty well there, too).
It’s from my iPhone.
That’s right, the little device that I barely know how to use (seriously, just ask my team!) drives more sales for my company than nearly any other asset I have.
Leveraging the power of nothing more than my phone’s camera and the Instagram app, I’m able to consistently close tens of thousands of dollars of new revenue each and every week like clock work.
But the truth is I’m not “really” using fancy technology to make the money. Instead, I’m just using timeless sales and marketing principles applied to a new medium to grow my income, impact, and influence.
And today, I’m going to give you my 6 favorite marketing lessons that my client and I have been using this year so that you can make more money too.
With the secrets I’m about to share with you, you’ll be able to take advantage of the amazing new money-making opportunities available to anyone with a smartphone.
These 6 keys have helped me and hundreds of my top clients generate thousands of dollars per day, and if you’ll take action on what you’re about to learn, I promise they’ll do the same for you.
Let’s get started.
1. The #1 Hottest Marketing Trend Right Now You MUST Use (It’s Not What You Think)
Forget infographics, Facebook messenger ads, and free + shipping offers.
Those things are all great, but the real “secret sauce” of social media marketing in 2023 (and beyond) is your hero’s journey.
Today, more than ever before, people want to hear about and experience your story from rags to riches, or about how you turned adversity into advantage.
They want to see all of the ups, downs, failures, screw-ups, and, ultimately, successes that were required for you to get where you are today.
Because it makes you relatable and helps them believe that they can accomplish the same goals that you have.
When your prospects see that you’re a normal human being facing the same challenges, obstacles, and pitfalls as they are, it gives them permission to once again believe in themselves.
You’re no longer a “Larger than life” God among mortals.
You’re just a common person who took uncommon actions to achieve a desired outcome.
When they see all of the pain and struggle that you experienced on your journey, they will draw inspiration (instead of envy) from your success and think to themselves, “Well, they experienced this same problem before and look at where they are today. I’ve got this!”
But this strategy doesn’t stop here.
In addition to sharing you own hero’s journey, you’ll want to identify your top 3-5 clients and have them record a hero’s’ journey video (which I’ll explain in just a second) too.
Whenever you can show your clients that the system or product you are selling works not just for you, but for dozens of other people just like them, you’ll have a powerful piece of market magic that will help you create explosive growth in your life and business.
In fact, this tactic is so important, that my friend and old business partner, Bedros Keuilian, and I devoted and ENTIRE podcast just to this strategy.
But how do you actually create an effective “Hero’s Journey Marketing Video” about yourself or one of your top clients?
It’s actually pretty simple.
First, you’ll need the basics. Namely:
- Heartwarming music
- An emotional story (obviously)
- B-roll footage
- Professional audio/video
But to make a hero’s journey video even more powerful, you or your client will want to ask and answer these 4 questions in order…
- Where were you/What was your situation before you started using my program?
- What was the biggest breakthrough you had on my program?
- What were the specific results you achieved on my program?
- Who would you recommend this for?
- BONUS: Also, ask them to share as many personal specifics as possible (age, job, # of kids, other obstacles)
That’s it!
If you take nothing else away from this article other than this one strategy, I promise that you will be able to create a dramatic shift in your company’s social media marketing revenue faster than ever thought possible.
2. The “Must Have” Foundational Marketing Tool that Most Business Owners Miss
In the last year, my friends and mentors Sharran Srivatssa and Zander Fryer have helped me create HUGE growth in my business.
And one of the most powerful strategies that they shared with me to help create this growth is the importance of having a clear, concise, and strong “ONLY” statement… Something that servers as a powerful source of differentiation between you and your competitors.
An “only” statement is simply a sentence or phrase that effectively explains what you can provide to your clients that no one else can.
It’s kind of like a unique value proposition on steroids.
For example, my “Only” statement is:
I am the only coach that puts more structure in your life and more systems in your business so that you can generate fast cash and make more time for what matters in your life.
To help you craft your perfect “Only” statement, here’s an example of how I recently helped one of my clients create and improve his…
I am the only social media expert who helps businesses save money on digital marketing with high quality social media content that maximizes new lead generation and increases customer loyalty so that you can spend more time on what matters in your business without overspending on obsolete marketing strategies.
I am the only fully transparent business media expert who helps entrepreneurs grow their income and personal brand faster with proven social media strategies and cutting edge content marketing to maximize new lead generation and customer loyalty.
Remember, the difference between failed and successful marketing is almost never the information that you’re sharing.
Whether you’re in fitness, business consulting, personal development, or relationship coaching, the information that you share isn’t all that unique or different from your competitors.
However, the presentation and the way that you share that information is what differentiates you from everyone else.
There are plenty of coaches out there who help people make more money…
But I’m the only coach that helps people accomplish this goal by adding more structure to their lives, working less, and finding the hidden profit centers that already exist to generate fast cash.
So take some time today in the next 24 hours to think about and create your “Only” statement and then use it as a guide to create all of your future social media marketing.
3. Tap into the Power The 7 Magic Marketing Words
I’ve said this before and I’ll probably say it another thousand times.
If you want to increase your sales and get more people pumped about being in business with you, then you MUST…
Enter. The. Conversation. In. The. Prospect’s. Mind.
When you can identify the problems and pain points that your prospects are feeling and then address these better than they can themselves, it will seem to other people like you’re reading their mind.
It’s a lot like going to the doctor.
When you sit down on the examination table, your don’t expect your doctor to immediately say, “Hey, looks like you’ve got xyz, here’s a prescription for some pills”.
No! You want them to ask about the symptoms that you are experiencing and then describe the other issues that you’re having better than you can yourself.
Always remember… If you can diagnose the symptoms that people are having better than they can themselves, they will assume that you must have the solution.
When you can describe the pain, frustration, and obstacles that your prospects are experiencing so vividly and effectively that it feels like you are inside of their head, then they will assume that you must the best solution for those problems.
If you haven’t done so already, take some time to interview your existing clients about the pain points that drove them to work with you.
Look at Amazon reviews of similar products or services (for example, a book written by a competitor) and pay attention to the exact language that your ideal prospects are using.
Join Facebook groups that are relevant to your industry and figure out what is really driving people to make purchases and work with an expert.
Become intimately familiar with the problems your prospects are facing, learn how to describe these problems in their own words, and you will never have to worry about lead generation or closing again.
To make this strategy even more powerful and build an INSANE level of KLT, you’ll want to incorporate your newly found “mind reading” abilities into your daily posting schedule.
Let me show you how to do that now…
4. Leverage Your ‘Insider’ Knowledge to Craft the Perfect Posting Schedule
Something that most marketers fail to realize is that your prospects are feeling different pain points on different days.
Throughout the week, the people that you are trying to help experience a roller coaster of emotions and thoughts that can vary wildly from day to day.
For example, on Monday, your ideal prospect might be in a state of dread and frustration, struggling to overcome their negativity regarding their soul-sucking work week.
But come Friday, they are excited, motivated, and ON FIRE about the possibility of using their free time to build their freedom business and move their life forward.
This means that they need different content from you depending on where they are in their week and what challenges they are facing on that specific day.
Whenever you’re conducting your prospect research, take a few minutes to write out the answers to the following three questions for every day of the week.
- How are my clients feeling?
- What are my clients doing?
- Where are my clients going?
If you can get the answer to these questions even 60% correct, your audience will feel like you have eyes in the back of your head and connect with you in a way that rare in today’s “socially antisocial” world.
For example, here’s a posting schedule that I recently helped one of my clients – a nutrition coach – create for her Instagram.
Monday AM: Clients are feeling tired and dreading the week. They need motivation so hit them with it! “You are going to crush this week! … ready to get in the best shape of your life, send me a DM … we have two spots left in our new coaching program.”
Tuesday: Clients are struggling to stick to their diet and already feeling the stress of their weekly routine. Time for a TRANSFORMATION Tuesday to remind them of why they are putting in all of this effort.
Wednesday: Prospects are hitting the gym for their second training session of the week. Share a cheat sheet or post workout Wednesday shake to help them make the most of their efforts.
Thursday: Prospects are feeling good, getting ready for the weekend, and looking for some extra help crushing their week. Time for a #throwbackthursday where you share what you wish you knew when you were in their position.
Friday: Prospects are excited about the weekend but nervous about screwing up their diet by going out with friends. Share a Food Freedom Friday post to help them enjoy their time out with friends without sabotaging their results.
Saturday: Time for a status post to keep your prospects inspired. Show them what you’re doing this weekend because you were able to create freedom through food and live an amazing life without worrying about what to eat while you’re out.
Sunday: Prospects are getting ready to go grocery shopping and do their weekly meal prep. Share a quick meal prep tip for the week ahead.
By creating a similar outline for your business and social media platforms, you’ll be able to read the minds of your prospects and show them that YOU know exactly what they’re experiencing and, more importantly, how to solve the problems that they are facing.
When you can enter the conversation in their minds in such a real and practical way, the sale will all but take care of itself.
At least, if you remember to take action on the next lesson…
5. The ONE Thing Every Post Needs to Drive Revenue (Do NOT Forget This)
One of the BIGGEST mistakes that I see entrepreneurs making is failing to include an urgent, specific, and relevant call to action in their posts and videos.
I’m not saying that you should pitch on your social channels everyday of the week or turn your Instagram into a product catalog (although I hear that you have that option now…).
But if you aren’t giving your prospects an easy and simple way to make a purchase from you and take your business relationship to the next level, you are leaving thousands of dollars in revenue on the table each and every month.
I know that many of you don’t want to seem “sales-y” or push too hard on your social channels, but you have to remember the value of what you’re offering and what is really at stake for your clients if they don’t buy now.
Imagine if you had the ability to wave a magic wand and help one of your prospects achieve their biggest goals and dreams.
Would you do it?
Of course you would!
But here’s the thing…
You already have that ability.
Your product or service is the magic wand that will help your prospects get the result that they want. And when you DON’T give them an opportunity to buy from you through a call to action, you are STEALING the opportunity for them to achieve those big goals.
This doesn’t need to be some complicated script or long-winded “pitch post”.
It’s actually super simple.
Before you record your story or upload a post map out:
- WHAT they are going to get (coaching, mastermind access, a product)
- HOW to get it (DM you, click the bio link, etc.)
- WHY they must get it now (create urgency and encourage them to act fast).
It’s that simple.
If you include this three-step call to action in your posts and stories at least 3-5 times a week, I promise you’ll see a dramatic jump in the number of prospects that you convert and the revenue that your business generates.
6. A Christmas “Secret” for More Success
While this doesn’t directly relate to your social media marketing, I want to give you a little “bonus” tip that I use every single year to increase my sales, strengthen my connections, and drive tons of new traffic to my businesses.
If you’ve been following me for a while, then you know that I’ve written before about the importance of having a list of your “Top 50 Connections” and “Dream Dozen”, but today, I want to show you how you can leverage the holiday season to boost these connections and tap into one of the “hidden profit centers” of your life.
Here’s what you’re going to do…
First, you’re going to sit down and handwrite Christmas card with a personal note to your top 50 connections.
I know it sounds old school, but trust me on this… It works.
Then, you’re going to think back to the best books and resources that you used this year that would make a big difference in the lives’ of your “Dream Dozen”.
From here, you’re going to go on Amazon and send one of those books or resources to each of your dream dozen. Make sure to include gift wrap and a personal note from you so that they actually know who you are!
Strategic gifting will allow you to tap into the latent power of your network and dramatically increase your followers and revenue without spending a dime.
So there you have it!
The 6 “secret” keys that will allow you to master your marketing in 2024 and drive explosive business growth.
Take what you’ve learned today and use it to build your brand, work less, and live your Perfect Life.
I promise you, the results will speak for themselves.