The 10-Point Habit Change Checklist

Today you’re getting a sneak peek at a new course I’m putting together. It’s my How to Change Masterclass, and it helps you change every important area in your life —  your habits, your energy, your body, your attitude, and your heart.

This system has worked for over 100,000 Early To Rise customers, and I’ve used it to change many of my own bad habits in the last five years since taking over ETR.

In fact, I’ve used this How to Change Formula to:

•Become less grumpy (or “less crusty,” as my friend Bedros says)

•Change my cynical outlook on life to a much more positive one

•Become friendlier with strangers (even in elevators!)

•Stop swearing (in just 6 days)

•Become a much better, more dynamic, higher-energy public speaker

But I have to be honest. Making these changes has also been a bit embarrassing.

“You’ve changed so much in the last few years,” many of my friends have said to me.

When I receive that compliment, I smile, thank them, and grimace on the inside. Why the grimace?

The compliment stings a little. It reminds me that I’ve not always been a great person.

I’m a little ashamed as I think back on the relationships that could have been, experiences I could’ve had, and people I could’ve helped if I wasn’t so closed off.

But that type of thinking doesn’t do anyone any good.

When you endeavor to change, you can only focus on the positives. When you become less selfish, less quick to anger, and discover how to overcome your bad habits, everyone around you becomes better for it.

To begin changing your bad habits and strengthening your weaknesses, you must first recognize your imperfections through introspection and self-reflection. Next, you must commit to change. It also helps to tell a friend and get accountability.

With these support structures in place, you can make incredible changes in your life, just like I did.

Now I don’t say this to impress you, but to impress upon you that we all can change — in any way, at any age, and under any circumstances.

For example, I knew that I’d never be a “Tony Robbins” on stage, but I also knew that I could become a better version of Craig Ballantyne when I speak. I could have more energy, be better prepared, tell better stories. Heck, I could even make a joke or two (as awkward as they might be).

This attitude must be applied to every aspect of life. You might not be a superdad or supermom — able to have the best cookies at the bake sale while also driving your kids to every event and having weekly career breakthroughs — but you can become better in every aspect of parenting that matters to you and your family.

If you know you can be a better parent, a better partner, a better manager, a better team member, in better physical condition, better spiritually, and a better community member, the key is to recognize your weaknesses. Identify what matters, and commit to getting better in that area.

Block off time for introspection. Create a plan. Take action. Do the work.

Now it’s time to break down the How to Change Formula so you can make massive — and lasting — changes. This isn’t a quick fix that works for a week. It’s a proven plan that works for life… any area of life.

Let’s dive in to the exact step-by-step system.

Step #1 – Introspection

Introspection is defined as the examination or observation of one’s own mental and emotional processes.

Simply put, introspection is the ability to see yourself objectively —  to know when you are wrong, and to realize you need to change if you want to be right.

I’ve put together an Introspection Checklist. As we go through it, rank yourself on a scale of 1 to 10. One means you are struggling in this area and 10 means you’re strong.

1. Stress – Are you stressed out? That would leave you close to a one. Or are you chilled out? That would get you close to a 10.

2. Health – How are you feeling? How are your health habits?

3. Nutrition – Are you eating the right foods? How is your digestive health?

4. Sleep – Are you getting 8 hours a night? Or at least 7? Are you tired all the time? Is it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep at night?

5. Energy Levels – Are you fatigued or fresh? Can you keep up with the demands in your life and from your family? Do you rely on too much caffeine?

6. Family – How is your relationship with your partner, your children, and your parents? What about close friends?

7. Focus – Are you able to concentrate on what counts? Are you sticking to your vision? Have you figured out your season of life so you can focus on what matters? And are you doing just that?

8. Money – How much stress are your finances causing you? Do you see any changes coming soon? Is money keeping you awake at night… or do you have more than enough to keep you free and happy in life?

9. Skills – Are you prepared for the challenges you have at work and as a parent? Or do you need to acquire new skills to keep up?

10. Potential – Do you feel like you are spinning your wheels? Are you stuck on the side of the road? Are you struggling to live the life you desire and deserve?

11. Big Thinking – Are you making time to proactively plan and prepare, to set your goals, and dream big?

12. Routine – How effective is your daily routine? Are you getting more done and still getting home on time for dinner? Or do you need more of my help?

13. Resilience – What’s your attitude and approach to obstacles in your life? Are you flexible enough to go with the flow no matter what the world throws in your way? Or are you on the verge of giving up?

14. People – Are you surrounded with the right, positive people that force you to play up a level? Are they supportive at the same time? Are you involved in a powerful community? Do you have the right role models in your life?

15. Communication – How are the conversations you’re having in life with the people you love, the co-workers you need to cooperate with, and the mentors and coaches that are giving you the help you need? Are you reaching out? Are you fixing mistakes? Or are you avoiding difficult conversations, hiding, and hoping that the problems will fix themselves?

Add up your score out of 150. If it’s under 100, there are some major problems in your life that need to be addressed as soon as possible. If that’s the case, you need to seek professional help.

If you score over 100, that’s better, but of course there’s still a lot of work to do. I’ll be back soon with the next four steps in the How to Change Formula to fix the flaws holding you back in life.

Craig Ballantyne

If you want to double your income, work less, and become the ambitious millionaire you've always wanted to be... Craig Ballantyne is the coach who will help you do it. With more than 20-years of experience as an entrepreneur and five 7-figure businesses under his belt, he specializes in helping "struckling" entrepreneurs get out of the mud and build the business of their dreams. To see if you qualify for Craig's "Millionaire Coaching Program" send an email to with the subject line "Millionaire".