The I Love Marketing Interview with Craig Ballantyne

One of my favorite lines from Seinfeld is…

“Now see, this is what the holidays are all about. Three buddies, sitting around, chewing gum, huh?”- Kramer

And I’ve almost replicated that for you today.

But instead, you get three guys sitting around a tiny laptop in a hotel room talking about marketing. Me, Joe Polish, and Dean Jackson recently recorded an interview for their “ILoveMarketing” podcast.

And you can listen to it here

Put it on your ipod/iphone for traveling this holiday season, grab yourself a pack of your favorite gum, and start chewing.

You’ll discover…

1) The ‘odd’ thing I do in bed at 430 am (did it this AM!)

2) What book you should read to help you let loose

3) The “character” I channel when writing

All that and more from three guys showing you what the holidays are all about…

Listen to it here:

Craig Ballantyne