Developing A Second Income

Dear Early to Rise Reader, As we move into what my bones tell me will be a major and long-term recession, prudent Early Risers are quickly moving towards developing second incomes. While you have to work hard and well to keep the job you have (by making yourself indispensable – see ETR #439), you should also be working on a way to establish some part-time income (see ETR #394).

Part-time income will give you extra money to save and invest at a time when cash will be king and cheap investment opportunities will abound. A part-time business will also give you a very good chance of becoming a full-time entrepreneur – and that can mean a better, richer, more independent and generally happier life for you.

I’m writing to you today about a very good way to get started. It’s a simple business that anyone can do. And it’s a business that will probably boom in the years ahead – precisely because of all the layoffs that are taking place and will continue as the economy weakens. It’s an opportunity that can provide you with $20,000…$40,000…even $60,000 a year working just 20 hours a week from your kitchen table or your spare bedroom.

These numbers do not come from my magic number pouch. They are incomes real people earn in real life — part-time, when they want, where they want, and how they want. A great example – Michele A. wanted her own business with great earning potential but had little money to invest. “I kept my ‘old’ job until January of 2001, then started this full time,” said Michele.”Actually, even though I consider this to be my full-time job, I only spend about 20 hours a week doing it.”

Michele is on her way to making $40,000 to $50,000 a year in this her first year. That’s nice supplemental income. It can pay for tuition, an extra car or two…or you can invest it in another business – giving yourself a chance to diversify and grow wealthy. If you lose your job or decide to make this a full time business, the money gets better. I’ve been introduced to a number of ordinary people who have quit their jobs and made this their full time business. Some of them are earning twice what they made before.

As a full-time business, you can easily make $100,000 a year. If you are really determined it’s possible to do better than that. I know of some who are making $250,000 to $300,000 a year! More good news – this is a very easy business. There’s nothing technical or sophisticated about it. You don’t need any special education. The business comes fully equipped with all the advertising techniques and methods you need. Another selling point  this is mucho cheapo. You don’t need to invest fifty grand to get into it.

In fact, you can start up part-time for less than $500. There are very few businesses that can honestly make that claim. This is one of them, and that’s one of the big reasons I like it. It’s simple to learn, easy to do and cheap to get started. What more could you ask? How about this? You’ll be feeling great about what you do because you’ll be spending your working hours helping people! It’s true. What you do will help them make more money, get more out of life, and achieve real success. So what is this about? Opening up a career counseling and resume business. (It’s actually a resume business, but I say career counseling because it makes it sound more attractive and after you get into it a while and develop some expertise you’ll be able to expand into the very lucrative career-counseling profession.)

The basic business is writing professional resumes for people and helping them with their interviews and job-seeking skills. Is this a serious business? Consider this: payroll employment, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, fell 199,000 in September 2001 and the unemployment rate is one full percentage point higher now than it was a year ago. With 142.2 million in the civilian workforce, that’s 1.42 million more people out of work this year than last.

Polls also show that, at any given time, 57% of the entire U.S. working population is considering or expecting a job change. Add those who are currently out of work plus first-time job seekers and you have an enormous number of people who need an effective, professional resume to help them land their next job. The market is big and getting bigger fast. And just about every one of those job seekers needs a resume. They need one. They know it. But they haven’t a clue about how to write a good one.

According to a recent poll, 79% of professional job applicants are unhappy with or unsure of the resumes they’ve written themselves. Brian Sodi, president and CEO of Capital Financial Management, says, “There’s no question about it. Almost everyone that is serious about finding work would prefer to have his resume done by a professional service, rather than take a risk by doing it himself.” This is a very good opportunity. It’s good now and it’s going to be getting better in the next few months. This is a bona fide chance to get that second income going, to start earning thousands of extra dollars every month that you can put to good use.

Here’s a business opportunity that you can get into quickly and cheaply, is easy to learn and allows you to help hundreds or thousands of people survive and prosper during the coming recession. What more could you ask for? And it’s so easy. The business is completely computerized. You don’t have to do a lot of writing from scratch. Mostly it’s a question of interviewing the client and inputting the information into a database that creates an individualized but very professional resume automatically. I feel confident in recommending this opportunity because I know the people who produced it.

It’s a joint venture between American Writers & Artists Institute, the people who bring you the Michael Masterson copywriting program and Bill Amme, a professional resume writer with 18 years of experience. The computer programs they have developed reflect the professional experience of top resume-writing pros with years of experience. It’s presented to you as a “business in a box” – something that will take you from “I don’t know nothin'” to “Yes, I can really do this” in an amazingly short span of time. I’m talking weeks –not months or years. Michele got started in days. That’s because it’s essentially a preprogrammed, computer-based franchise operation. One you can “buy” for a fraction of what it’s worth.

It’s a combination of a thoroughly tested home study course and a business program complete with a powerful, professional and amazingly easy-to-use resume-writing software. This program was created so that all you have to do is put it in your computer and follow the directions. And easy directions – I’ve seen them and can follow them easily myself. If I can do it, it will be easy for you. In addition to getting you going with a profitable, part-time or full-time business in your local area, it has optional programs to make extra money by…

* Going Global – how to use the Internet to pull in business from across the country and beyond. (This technique alone can propel you into the high-six- figure earnings category.)

* Selling Add-ons – provide coaching sessions on how to interview, offer proven techniques using the Internet to get your client’s resume in front of the right eyes – instantly

* These extras can often double your fees with minimal extra effort.

The bottom line: this is a very good, very realistic, very easy opportunity to give yourself a second stream of income. If you haven’t got a side business going now, you should seriously consider this. Since it’s quick to set up and easy to use – and since you can take on as many clients as you want – it won’t interfere with your main job or your other obligations. And since it’s perfectly designed to take advantage of an economy in recession, you will probably be able to grow it pretty much as far and as fast as you want.

Consider once again the benefits:

* Earn $10,000 to $50,000 extra part time · Work from home · Work any hours your choose

* No boss – you’re in charge

* No headaches – if you don’t like a client, “fire” him!

* No hassles – everything is automated and simple

* Easy to get started

* Doesn’t require a huge investment

* You can get started right away

As you read this letter today our economic world is growing more troubled. There is not a lot that you and I can do about the big picture, but we can focus on our personal productivity. And that means taking care of yourself, your family and your close friends. Here’s a great opportunity to do that. Don’t waste time thinking about it.

The people behind this program are good and trustworthy. If you don’t like any aspect of it for any reason…or you just change your mind…they’ll refund your investment. You’ve got nothing to lose and a whole new life with extra money, extra security and extra fun to look forward to. Click on this link for more details:

Best regards, MMF

[Ed. Note: Mark Morgan Ford was the creator of Early To Rise. In 2011, Mark retired from ETR and now writes the Palm Beach Letter. His advice, in our opinion, continues to get better and better with every essay, particularly in the controversial ones we have shared today. We encourage you to read everything you can that has been written by Mark.]