13 Ways to Help & Recruit Affiliates

Uh-oh, Christmas is this week! I better ‘run out’ to Amazon and do my shopping. 🙂 While I’m out last minute shopping like Arnold in Jingle All the Way, here are 13 great affiliate assistance tips from our good buddy, Mikey “Christmas Pancakes are the Best Pancakes” Whitfield. – Craig

13 Affiliate Tips
By Mike Whitfield

When helping an affiliate, think outside the box. Guest posts are one way, but there’s even more. Here are some examples:

1) Are you technical savvy? You can help them with their techy stuff if they don’t have someone.

2) Offer to help on a Copy Logic Session

3) Go ABOVE and BEYOND: Daniel Woodrum once filmed over 60 workouts with me in a weekend. He didn’t have to do that. And if an affiliate doesn’t have anything to film for a product, you can offer to do exclusive YouTube videos for their channel. That’s how you start a relationship.

4) You can offer feedback on a sales page.

5) You can offer a testimonial if you find their product useful

6) You can offer a review on their product

7) Promote their product

8) Offer to help with customer support

9) Offer to share a swipe with an affiliate that you created for their product that did really well for your list

10) Take some things off their plate (Dennis Heenan and Kate Vidulich are doing this with some TT interviews – thanks Dennis and Kate!)

11) Share their Facebook posts on FB

12) If you have an affiliate with the same niche, you could share a successful promo that worked really well for your readers with that affiliate so they could model a similar promotion with their readers

13) Offer a free product as a surprise bonus for their download page to add value for their customers

And the list goes on and on.

Keep rockin’ around the Christmas pancakes,

Thanks Mikey!

Well, I finally found that Turboman for ol’ Bally the Dog. Looks like it will be a Merry Christmas after all.

Have a great one,

Craig Ballantyne

PS – Back with one more special pre-Christmas gift tomorrow…
PPS – Want to burn off some calories after Christmas?

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