10 Affiliate Tips

After our Miami 7-Figure Mastermind meeting back in January, I sent new members off with some money-making homework.
“Go and listen to all four interviews I’ve done with Joel Marion about his product launches, and then watch his presentation from FitnessBusinessSummit.com 2011,” I said.
In that exclusive content, Mastermind members were able to get over 6 hours of amazing business building content from Joel, the 2010 Internet Marketer of the Year, and a guy that has made millions with his launches.
Fortunately, one of our members – and Publishing Partner – Jason Klein, took me up on this advice.
Two days later Jason reported back to the 7-Figure Mastermind Google Group with the following 10 step guide to contacting NEW affiliates and building money-making relationships with them – all from the proven expertise of Joel Marion.
Joel’s 10 Rules for Getting NEW Affiliates
1. Introduce yourself to new affiliates and PRAISE THEM
2. Highlight your credibility
3. Ask for review copy of one of their products – tell them you’d love to write a review that they can use however they’d like
4. Offer to help them in other ways (promoting their product, guest blog post, website stuff…whatever you can offer… there IS some way you can help)
5. Show them you actually know who they are. Make it personal.
6. Major objective is to get them on the phone (much more personal and effective)
7. Don’t be long winded
8. Be REAL, be personable
9. NEVER, EVER ask someone you have not at least had one “live” conversation with to promote your product. Become a friend first, help them first, then it will naturally come back to you.
10. Recruit relationships, not affiliates!
But wait, there’s more…Jason created this “Affiliate Contact Template” from Joel’s notes:
Basic Affiliate Contact Email Template
Subject: Hey < affiliate name>,<your name> from <your website/publication you contribute to>
Hey < affiliate name>,
<Your Name> from < Your site or publication you write for> here. Been a fan of your stuff for a long time and thought it was about time I finally reached out to you!
You may or may not be familiar with me, but I’m/I’ve <highlight your credibility/accomplishments>
– I have a newsletter that goes out to X number of extremely responsive subscribers
– I regularly write for X publication
– I’m a certified X who has X (highlight accomplishments)
Anyway, if you have a couple of minutes to spare, I’d love to get on the phone one day this week to chat about setting up an interview to promote your product and some other ways I might be able to help you and your business.
Do you have time on <specific date>, say <specific time>? Let me know if that works for you!
Look forward to helping you anyway I can.
Keep killing it, < affiliate name >!
< Your Name >
P.S. By the way, loved your newsletter the other week about < Fill in newsletter topic >….. < comment on newsletter >
Now that’s really great work. And just by doing that, Jason helped people out and now they will want to be his affiliate!
After posting that, the Wise Old Owl of our Mastermind group, Rick Kaselj, replied with two more tips:
Rule #1 – Be cool but persistent
Rule #2 – Find a way of helping the person
And that reminded me of a quote from a book called Never Eat Alone:
“Take their pain away and help their kids.” – Keith Ferrazi
That was Keith’s advice for making connections with people, and it works. When you can help make someone’s life better or help their kids, people will treat you differently (read: better).
Get out there and help someone,
Craig Ballantyne
PS – Want to help someone out while building your business?
Then join Bedros Keuilian and I at our 1-day Mastermind meeting in Denver on Friday, Dec. 6th. You’re $997 investment in the day’s program will go to our Toys for Tots drive where we buy Christmas gifts for underprivileged children in Denver.
During the 1-Day Mastermind, you’ll discover how to take your info product and start making thousands of dollars in just a few short weeks. That’s our guarantee to you.
Email Frankie@keuilian.com to set up a quick 10-minute call with Bedros to see if the 1-Day Mastermind event is right for your business.