Treat Your Tenants Like the Important Clients They Are

Good tenants are worth their weight in gold. They not only pay your mortgage, but provide you with spare cash to boot! So choose tenants as carefully as you choose your properties … and then treat them with the same care as you would important clients in any other business.

Provide them with a good, clean, safe place at a competitive rate. Leave them a bottle of wine or some movie tickets and a card as a welcome gift when they move in. And maybe buy them a nice potted plant for their patio now and then, just to show you care. Be proactive when it comes to maintenance, and quickly respond to any problems.

Show your tenants appreciation and professional courtesy, and you’ll be much more likely to attract people who pay on time, take good care of your place, and refer other good tenants to you.

– Justin Ford, editor of ETR’s Main Street Millionaire real estate investment program.