What You Need to Know Today: November 24

Good afternoon, Early Risers!

Here’s what you need to know


Your mom has better cyber-security than you (no joke). A new study found baby-boomers (50-69 y.o.) are more security conscious than their kids. “The global report claims that millennials are ‘overly confident’ and ‘often throw caution to the wind,’ with 36 percent of respondents saying that they share their passwords.” (*cough* Netflix). But wait, it gets better — when asked why millennials don’t take action to better secure themselves online, “38 percent said they don’t feel like they’re interesting enough to be a target,” says Yahoo! (*facepalm*). C’mon millennials, we’re better than this. While you’re filling up your Prime shopping cart this Black Friday, do yourself a favor and toss in a copy of Norton. It’s on sale.

You’ll never shower again after you read this. Winter is coming (maybe not forJon Snow) and your girlfriend is already stockpiling your apartment with peppermint antibacterial hand soap. But what if this winter, instead of antibacterial soap, you try bacterial soap? Ugh. MotherDirt’s Face and Body Cleanser is all the rage. Without going into it, the spray cleanses your face and body by protecting your skin’s microbiome (think: good bacteria in your gut, but on your face). Allie White from MindBodyGreen washed her face for 1 month using MotherDirt — here’s what she had to say.

Disqualified by a technicality. That’s how Jeff Bezos feels after Elon Musk was quick to point out on Twitter this morning that Bezos’ historical rocket launch yesterday, had one major caveat.


Millennial adopting Tony Robbins’ morning routine. “It’s 5:00 in the morning and my alarm is buzzing on the kitchen counter. I hop out of bed and am thrown into my typical work-day routine. Stretch, make a glass of lemon water, and then open the computer. The day has begun.” After reading about Tony Robbins’ “priming,” Stephanie Postles decided to adopt her own morning routine, sans expensive hot tubs and ice plunges. What I like about this story is Stephanie makes no excuses. She found suitable substitutions within her means to closely mimic Tony Robbins’ morning routine. While you could argue that she could have gone one step further — taking hot-cold showers — this routine clearly works for Stephanie and that’s what matters. “Everyone is different. Some people love going to the gym and being around others for motivation. If you can make it a routine that is easy to jump into and hard to get out of, then I say go for it!”

What’s your morning routine? Leave a reply in the comments. Bullets are fine.

Here’s mine (following Eben Pagan’s Wake Up Productive):

  • Wake up 6:30 a.m.
  • Drink ½ litre of water, brush teeth.
  • Get dressed and go for 30-45 minute walk outside.
  • Make healthy breakfast (set the tone for the day), shower.
  • Dive into #1 priority.

Total time: ~90 mins.

“Only suckers hire life coaches.” 1 like. This comment had me laughing today.Vice’s Amanda Shapiro digs deep into the world of millennial life coaches — hiring one for a month at $75 a session. Read this all the way through. While it’s easy to criticize this 21-year-old life coach’s credentials, give credit where credit’s due: She’s taking action and building a location-independent business for herself by helping others.

+ On the topic of unqualified advice: how to be a lawyer without going to law school.  “I have some clients who look up on my wall and say, ‘Where did you go to law school?’ and aren’t too happy with the answer.”  — Ivan Fehernbach, self-taught lawyer.


10 cheapest travel destinations for 2016. Looking for a winter getaway on a budget? Try one of these.

+ BUT! Be careful if you’re staying at an Airbnb.

Hotels need to rethink their business-traveler Avatar. “At the Langham Place Fifth Avenue hotel in New York, they call them simply IGIs — ‘I got it’ travelers. ‘No, I don’t need help with my roller bag,’ they say, ‘I got it.’ And ‘I can find my way to my room on my own, thanks. I got it.’ When they do want something, however, they want it now.” (Fortune).

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Can you guess what European country the world’s biggest rock climbing wall company is in? Answer.

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