What You Need to Know Today: November 11

Good afternoon, Early Risers!

Here’s what you need to know


How Apple is giving design a bad name. “What kind of design philosophy requires millions of its users to have to pretend they are disabled in order to be able to use the product?” When most people think of design they think of visual aesthetics. However, aesthetics are only one small part of what design really is. “Design combines an understanding of people, technology, society, and business,” says Fast Company. The primary reason Apple’s been so successful over the years has been its intuitive and easy-to-use product designs. Now, some critics are questioningApple’s latest designs.

Why you should go to the movies alone. T-Mobile announced today that starting on Sunday, customers can binge-watch all their favorite shows with unlimited streaming data. But, before you load up your queue, read this article.


De-valuing the diamond. What makes a diamond so expensive is the costly extraction process and the scarcity. It might surprise you to know that for the last three years a diamond company has been quietly working on a project growing real diamonds in a lab (not synthetic). Diamond Foundry now claims it can grow real diamonds in two weeks. While this is good news for activists against blood diamonds, will this de-value the diamond over time? And what happens when scientists are able to grow other valuable metals and minerals?

How to get famous CEOs to answer your emails. “… one day, we’d all gotten together for a board meeting for one of my companies and someone joked that he’d gotten to know me through a cold email I’d sent him. The room went silent. Then, one by one, everyone around the table acknowledged that he, too, met me through a simple, cold email. Laughter. The president of NBC spoke up. ‘Do you know why I decided to meet with you Daniel …’” This 21 year old discovered the secret to building relationships with high-profile executives and it’s dead simple.


New York says Fanduel and Draftkings are illegal gambling.

Tinder launches new features that promise to find you more matches.

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Today is Veterans Day. We’re also reminded that some Vets are now on campus learning how to be millennials.

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