What You Need to Know Today: December 18
Good afternoon, Early Risers!
Here’s what you need to know
Facebook is quietly testing a Yelp killer. Facebook is the Hotel California of websites. “You can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave!” It should come as no surprise that Facebook is testing its own version of Yelp. Professional Services (why not Felp?) is only available on desktop right now. Why would FB want to compete with Yelp? FB wants anything that will keep you from leaving. The more time you spend on FB, the more likely you are to click on ads and spend money. It’s that simple. There’s something else called the 59-second rule. While it doesn’t apply to Facebook — since you’re probably clocking way more than 59 seconds a visit, like WAY more — it’s still a helpful metric to know for keeping visitors on your site.
Tech gifts you don’t have to wrap. Are you terrible at wrapping gifts? I sure am. Just ask our Operations Manager Bianca. Thankfully, there are these things called online courses, and they make for great holiday gifts. No wrapping required. The Next Web just published a list of its top online courses for your professional and personal life. Prices range from FREE to $200.
+ 6 ways you can monetize your app. Nuff said.
Get rich or die vlogging. Yesterday, we talked about developing your money mindset. Today, I want you to put it to work. There’s a growing number of “middle-class YouTube celebrities” — don’t laugh — who have hundreds of thousands of followers, but are broke. Their excuse: “Brands think we’re too small to sponsor, but fans think we’re too big for donations.” I’m calling BS. The real problem: these vloggers don’t know how to sell. Which is a big opportunity for YOU to teach them (and of course take a cut). Another objection these vloggers have about selling is they’re afraid of losing followers. Ha! Last time I checked, 260 people have unsubscribed from the Daily Brief. That’s good news for me. Because I know they’re not who I’m targeting. There’s an article called “1,000 True Fans.” If you’re worried about losing subscribers or followers, I recommend reading it.
+ Broke vloggers might also try podcasting. It’s about to blow up.
“Can I get your take on something?” You invite someone successful out for a cup of coffee. You want to get their “take” on your new idea. Here’s what’s really going on: “I didn’t really want his ‘take’ on my idea. I mean, ‘duh.’ What I wanted was for him to give me a cheat sheet. I wanted him to tell me how to attract an audience, and then manipulate that audience to do what I wanted them to do… buy my stuff and come back for more. What were the tricks to do that kind of thing? Obviously, this guy knew how to do that or I wouldn’t be traveling 45 minutes up the Saw Mill River Parkway…” What Shawn Coyne is saying here sounds like the truth. But there’s more to it. Entrepreneurs feel like their products need to solve problems or “right injustices.” What if you unburdened yourself from that type of thinking? What would happen? Read this.
He’s not a male prostitute, he’s not a male stripper… He’s a male sex surrogate and he probably makes more money than you. Sixty-two-year old! Larry Villarin is one of only 10 certified sex surrogates. He gets paid $150 an hour to sleep with middle-aged women who have intimacy issues. Apply within.
Naughty yoga teachers. “We’re not so different, you and I.” It’s funny how the things that shocked us as kids still have the same effect on us as adults. Do you remember the first time you ran into your teacher outside of school? You probably thought, “OMG, they’re real people. Wearing real people clothes.” That same shock-value is turning heads with a new yoga series online. Who would have guessed yoga teachers behave badly? I’m sure personal trainers never party on weekends…
+ Fingers crossed they come out with a Prison Break, Namaste.
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Rookie Mistake
This guy found out the hard way that emojis don’t make great passwords. Learn from his mistake, people.
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