Posts by Author

John Wood

Posts by Author

John Wood

Who’s Your Marlon Brando?

By John Wood | 11/5/2009

Recently on Turner Classic Movies, I watched a documentary simply titled “Brando.” There was a moment in it that sliced through my heart. It didn’t come from the legendary movie actor himself, though.


A Sixth-Grade Dropout’s Secret to Coming Up With Great Ideas

By John Wood | 08/25/2009

It was 1898. James Webb Young dropped out of school and started working for a book publisher. He was 12 years old. By the time he turned 22, he was advertising manager. In 1912, he joined the prestigious advertising agency J. Walter Thompson. And he quickly became known as an…


How Elmer Wheeler Can Help You Make Sales

By John Wood | 07/26/2008

“Don’t sell the steak, sell the sizzle.”

That just might be the most famous piece of sales advice ever. And, as a marketer, knowing the real meaning behind those words can transform your company’s sales copy – and your bottom line.