Make It Easy for Buyers to Give You Money

“Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.” – Albert Einstein It still amazes me how many bright business owners spend countless hours developing their offers only to neglect one of the key elements of closing the sale — making it EASY for customers to buy. There is nothing easier than paying by credit…

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Tips and Strategies for Selling a Service on the Web

“Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that’s creativity.” – Charles Mingus Many people think that selling a service over the Web must require an entirely different approach than selling a product. But, in my experience, that is not the case. When you sell a product, the key to success…

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How To Find Customers Who Are 5x More Likely to Purchase

  “Seize opportunity by the beard, for it is bald behind.” – Bulgarian proverb You have already cultivated a relationship with your customers — you have put in the time and money to get their attention, establish credibility, and close that first sale. That’s by far the most difficult part — not to mention the…

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