ETR’s “Cookie Jar” Retirement Plan

How are you planning to fund your retirement? Depending on a mix of 401(k) and Social Security? Maybe a savings account? Real estate? Mutual funds?

Even if you are actively investing for your retirement and are projecting a comfortable standard of living for your golden years… why not try something that’s not dependent on the whims of the stock market… not to mention the economy? Something that, instead, puts you directly in charge of your financial future.

I’m talking about ETR’s “Cookie Jar” Retirement Plan.

It’s a way for ordinary people to enjoy a comfortable retirement (and live better until then) with an initial investment of just $39.

That may be hard to believe. But we’ve seen it work time and time again.

ETR reader Darryl Jack created his own Cookie Jar, and now earns at least an extra $10,000 with it every month. He expects to quit his 20-year career in construction soon.

Ex Walmart cashier Brian Edmondson felt that he had nowhere to turn after going bankrupt. Thankfully, he stumbled upon this very plan. Today, his Cookie Jar pays him more than $40,625 per week.

The Cookie Jar plan is based on technology that allows you to make money automatically, 24 hours a day. But you definitely don’t have to be a techie to implement it. You have to keep an eye on things, of course… but you’re not constantly on call to make decisions.

As I said, the cost of entry is very low — just $39 — but, I admit, you will have to work hard to succeed.