What You Need to Know Today – Thank You

Thank You


Hi, my name is Nick Papple, Managing Editor for Early to Rise. Thank you for signing up for ETR’s Success Formula Daily (formerly The Daily Brief).

For the past two years I’ve been working with Craig Ballantyne to bring you the daily ETR emails. Recently Craig gave me a big assignment. “Nick,” he said, “I want you to find the most helpful, time-sensitive content on the three most important aspects of our reader’s lives.”

At first I only sent the Daily Brief to other members of ETR, but after reading the first three issues, Craig and Matt Smith both agreed ETR readers should have full — and FREE — access.

Now that you’re part of the inner circle you will receive every weekday at 5 PM EST the Daily Brief covering the latest TechCareer and Personal Development stories for the day.

To your success,
