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8 Reasons to Travel With Your Best Friend at Least Once in Your Life

By Early To Rise | 06/17/2015

Huffington Post: Solo travel is great, but sometimes you just wish someone could be there to experience everything with you. For reasons both silly and serious, conquering a journey with your best friend is one of the healthiest, powerful and most positive things you can do for your relationship. Here…


98 of the Best Things in Life That Money Can’t Buy

By Early To Rise | 06/17/2015

msn lifestyle As the saying goes, the best things in life are free. There are certain things in life where currency has no value, such as friends, family, and good memories. A priceless asset is something no amount of money could ever buy but that is probably valued more than…


Forget Skipping Coffee, Here’s How to Really Save Money

By Early To Rise | 06/17/2015

You’re probably not saving enough for your retirement. Check out this calculator, and see. If you’re young, you need to be putting away about 15 percent. If you’re older and haven’t been doing that, then you need to be saving even more to catch up. Maybe 20 percent. Maybe 25. Seriously,…


7 Signs You Will Be Fired Soon

By Early To Rise | 06/17/2015

Life Zap Infrequent restructuring and layoffs were the only things an employee could worry about in the past, but a lot has changed nowadays considering the tough economic times. For instance, companies are going through bankruptcies, non-stop downsizing and even the illusion of job security will soon be a thing…


Secrets of Truly Happy People

By Early To Rise | 06/17/2015

msn health and fitness GRATITUDE: MAKE IT AN ACTIVE PRACTICE How it’s linked to joy: Practicing gratitude invites more joy into our lives. ‘When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that is present, we experience heaven on earth,’…


13 Ways Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time

By Early To Rise | 06/17/2015

msn money Balancing work and family life can seem impossible, particularly for women with children and ambitious career goals. But it is possible to “have it all” — a thriving family, great sleep, exercise, and career success — according to time management expert and author Laura Vanderkam. “People seem to…


The 5 Ugliest Foods on Earth

By Early To Rise | 06/16/2015

We eat with our eyes before our mouths, which is unfortunate when it comes to these foods, which are downright hideous. Hopefully they taste good, because if they don’t, then they really don’t have anything going for them. MSN News: Haggis When cooked, haggis looks like a bloated, overcooked sheep’s…


21 Things That Will Help You Understand Your Socially Anxious Friends So Much Better

By Early To Rise | 06/16/2015

1. Social anxiety is more complicated than just ~fearing~ people. BuzzFeed: It’s fearing getting judged by those people, offending them, saying something stupid to them, humiliating yourself in front of them. The possibilities are endless, and we’ve probably thought of every. single. one.   2. There are little stupid things…


Nine Foods You Think Are Vegetarian—But Definitely Aren’t

By Mary | 06/15/2015

eatCLEAN Navigating life as a vegetarian can be difficult. If there’s not hidden fish sauce in your Pad Thai then there’s chicken stock in your “vegetable” soup. But some things are even harder to avoid than the bacon your grandmother slips into the green beans, and even the most careful…


10 Foods That Are Better Than Therapy

By Mary | 06/15/2015

msn food and drink CHOCOLATE Who can ever resist chocolate? It’s just one of those treats we can never really get enough of, but Deborah Enos says that “consuming chocolate will help your body to release endorphins. This is one of the reasons that people associate chocolate as a comfort…


59% Of Millennials In The US Would Move To Another Country For A Job

By Mary | 06/12/2015

Business Insider Despite the high number of foreigners who live and work in the United States, Americans themselves just aren’t all that interested in seeking out employment opportunities abroad. Well, at least most aren’t. A new study from The Boston Consulting Group and The Network, which surveyed over 200,000 people from 189…


8 Ways To Quit Your Day Job To Pursue Your Entrepreneurial Dream

By Mary | 06/12/2015

Elite Daily I don’t know when the shift happened. I went from thinking I could never quit my job, to sitting down with my boss and confidently informing her that I would be traveling, and therefore, would be ending my contract. Prior to that moment, I didn’t know I had…