17-Minute Kickboxing Workout

Perform each exercise for 45 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds in between. Rest 1 minute and repeat the circuit 1 more time for 2 total rounds.

1. Jumping Jacks – 45 seconds
15 second rest

2. Squat to Punch – 45 seconds
15 second rest

3. “T” Pushup
– 45 seconds
15 second rest

4. Reverse Lunge to Front Kick
– 45 seconds (alternating sides)
15 second rest

5. Spiderman Climb
– 45 seconds
15 second rest

6. 2 Donkey Kicks/1 Pushup
– 45 seconds (2 donkey kicks per side, 1 pushup)
15 second rest

7. 10 Quick Feet/10 High Knees
– 45 seconds
15 second rest

8. 1 Burpee/2 Punches
– 45 seconds
15 second rest

Rest 1 minute and repeat the circuit 1 more time for 2 total rounds.