Make a Strong Impression by Being Last

When you are going to be interviewed for a job, try to be the last one they see.

Studies show, and my experience confirms, that the people who do best in multiple interviews are those who are first or last. And that’s regardless of how good they actually are.

First is good. But last is better. If you are scheduled somewhere in the middle of the pack, give a reason for getting the earliest or latest slot instead. It doesn’t hurt to ask.

Latest News

  • We’ve made lots of improvements to next year’s Internet Money Club. I’m really excited about how good it is going to be.But to make sure everyone who joins gets individual coaching, we have to limit membership. You can’t sign up for the “class” of 2010 yet, but you can put yourself at the head of the line. So act now. Be one of the first to hear all about it…

“A great experience for me.”

“I came to last year’s ETR’s Info-Marketing Bootcamp not knowing why I was coming, except that I knew I wanted to change my life and my career. I didn’t know if I would fit in at all, but the very first day I found out I was not the oldest person there. I found great people I connected with very quickly, and have learned so much from them.

“These are people I can talk to and work with to make my new career an absolute certainty. It was a great experience for me to be there and meet the folks that are with ETR.”

Laura Cogswell
Delmar, MD

[Ed. Note: Mark Morgan Ford was the creator of Early To Rise. In 2011, Mark retired from ETR and now writes the Palm Beach Letter. His advice, in our opinion, continues to get better and better with every essay, particularly in the controversial ones we have shared today. We encourage you to read everything you can that has been written by Mark.]