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dangerous exercises

10 Ineffective or Dangerous Exercises to STOP Doing

By Craig Ballantyne | 12/11/2012

The goal is to get fit, not hurt.


The Morning of My Heart Attack

By Bedros Keuilian | 10/25/2012

The morning of my heart attack took place about seven months ago. It started off like any other day; I had no clue what I was in for over the coming hour. It was my typical morning routine: shower, protein shake, write up an email broadcast and say good bye…


Dealing with Your Handicaps

By Robert Ringer | 07/25/2012

A healthy perspective has allowed me to view so-called physical handicaps in a different light since my daughter was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at a relatively young age. Like most parents confronted with the illness of a child, I went through the usual stages of denial, anger, and despair. However,…

Neck Pain

Desk Jockeys — 3 Ways to Fix Your Aching Upper Back and Neck

By Dr. Kathryn Woodall | 06/28/2012

You probably spend far too much time at your desk. If you’re building an empire while balancing a day job, I bet you’re glued to a laptop every evening as well. Sure, it’s the price we pay as entrepreneurs. But it takes a creeping toll on your body. And if…


The Four Horsemen of Your Body’s Apocalypse

By Craig Ballantyne | 06/19/2012

The debate was on. As we stepped out of the car at the gas station, we continued our argument. It was a beautiful sunny morning in Colorado, and ETR Publisher Matt Smith and I had just finished our workout and started to discuss nutrition. Each of us defended our positions,…


Tough Mudder Beaver Creek Results

By Craig Ballantyne | 06/10/2012

My time from the Tough Mudder in Beaver Creek, Colorado was 2 hours and 50 minutes. That race ended a great journey filled with new training innovations, personal insights into my attitude and getting out of my comfort zone, and many great new friendships with other TM participants. A great…


The Most Important 30 Minutes of Your Day

By Craig Ballantyne | 05/1/2012

The alarm clock gongs at 4am, even though I’ve already awoken naturally out of habit. This signals to Bally the Dog that it’s time to jump on my bed for a few minutes of morning belly rubbing before I get up and go immediately to the computer to spill the…


The Truth About Stress

By Craig Ballantyne | 04/3/2012

Last week, in preparation for the Tough Mudder race that ETR Publisher Matt Smith and I are doing in June, I went to the local YMCA to run ‘hill sprints’ on the treadmill. Running for one minute at 9 miles per hour at a 6% incline for six intervals was…


The Worst Injury to Have

By Jesse Cannone | 02/3/2012

On average, people spend from 8 to 12 hours a day sitting. And much of this time is spent in front of computer working. But the fact is, in a physical, mental, and emotional sense this is not what we as humans are “designed” to do. We’re naturally meant to…

Tought Mudder Training

How to Train for a Tough Mudder

By Craig Ballantyne | 01/23/2012

The tough mudder is a brutal, extreme sport challenge that will test both physical and mental limitations and push you past what you ever imagined you could possibly accomplish. This hardcore challenge was designed by the British Special Forces with the purpose of testing a persons mental and physical abilities,…


How to Live a Long Life

By Craig Ballantyne | 01/18/2012

It’s no secret that eating well, getting plenty of exercise and abstaining from bad habits such as smoking and excessive drinking will lead to a longer and better quality of life. Those facts have been proven time and again. There are a few surprising factors when it comes to longevity…


5 Easy Steps for Maximum All-Day Energy

By Isabel De Los Rios | 01/11/2012

I often hear people say… “I just wish there were more hours in the day so I could get more done.” But I don’t think more time is what most people need. I think what many people could really use to get more accomplished each and every day is… ENERGY…