Workout Finisher and Bootcamp Games Plan
It’s 4:15am and the sun is just starting to rise above the Norwegian skyline here in Bergen. This is my last morning before moving on
ato Stockholm – a city that has long been on my travel bucket list.
According to MSN, today I will leave the 2nd most expensive country in the world (Norway) for the 6th (Sweden). Prices are almost triple what I see back in USA ($10 for a bottle of beer
and $50 steaks at TGIF’s <= yes, we went there.)
But hey, that’s not important…here’s what is…
Yes, it’s early. Perhaps too early to be up while on holiday. But the drunk college kids yelling in the street made it easier on me. Besides, you needed to get this email…showing you exactly what you will do…
…so that you can have thhat you can have this workout before your next bootcamp.
Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do, right? have to do, right?
So…in your next bootcamp, after you’ve done a high-energy warm-up, metabolic resistance training circuit, and a round of fat burning metabolic conditioning exercises, you’ll want to use this finisher:
A) The Punisher-X
• 20 seconds of Total Body Extensions
• 10 second hold in the bottom of the squat position
• Repeat 4 times.
• Or repeat up to 8 times if your bootcampers are sadomasochists
Follow that with…
B) The Pushup-Row Addiction Test
• Set a timer for 2 minutes.
• Choose one pushup variation and one bodyweight row variation (TRX, etc.)
• Have your campers do as many reps of each exercise (alternating) as possible
• They should not go to failure in either exercise.
• For example, if a camper can do 10 pushups straight, have them do sets of 5-7
• Rest as little as possible
• Record total reps and try to beat this again – leaving 7 days before repeating
C) And finish with this series of Bootcamp Games:
• Human Conveyor Belt (team building game)
• Human Bobsled (small group competition)
• Stability Wrestle (partner playoff game)
That should leave everyone in a sweaty, exhausted, and HAPPY heap.
Plus, you will be the HERO for sharing these games.
Get the descriptions – and 31 done-for-you bootcamp games – that will help you get more results with your bootcamps here.
These are fun, fast, and effective.
Plus, these workouts will differentiate you from ALL other bootcamps in your area.
These will set you apart and make it easy for your current clients to refer NEW bootcamp members to you.
And it will make the ones that you already have stay with you longer.
The games are like a license to print money in your business while helping more people get MASSIVE results.
Print these workouts for easy reference:
Helping you get more out of life,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Please note…
…this is exactly what you must do.
You must go to this website today because the price is going
to double very, very soon.
And then be the bootcamp hero in your town.