Best AB Exercise You Need!
The BEST Ab Exercise You Are NOT Doing
By Bruce Krahn
Listen, I know summer is coming up for most us, and we all want a flat stomach for swimsuit season.
But most of us are plagued with stubborn pounds around our midsection. This is the area where fat tends to gather first and leave last.
The reason for this has a lot to do with genetics (something you have no control over), posture, intestinal health, and blood flow (three things you can improve). The great news is that you can quickly remove water and fat from your ab region using nutrition and a little-known combination of ab exercises:
Exercise #1 – Dynamic contraction ab exercise
Exercise #2 – Static contraction ab exercise
Dynamic contraction ab exercises are fairly common but most people per form them incorrectly. Take the crunch for example. By making a very small change to this movement you can change it from a potentially harmful movement to a very effective one.
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All you have to do is turn your body to face down instead of up. By simply changing body position from supine to prone you can now perform several ab movements such as the Inch Worm without the risk of spinal injury.
Static contraction exercises are those that involve little to no movement making them very safe and effective. One such example is the plank.
Most people are already doing this movement but to make it more effective simply place your elbows on a stability ball and spell out the alphabet from a-z using the ball to “write” on the floor. ** This is the NUMBER ONE ab exercise you are NOT doing right now! **
This simple adjustment will greatly enhance the difficulty and benefit of this exercise.
Seeing your abs is possible – you just have to know how to properly combine the correct ab exercises with the right diet. The See Your Abs program shows you how to do just that.
I’ll be back with more tips over the next couple of days while Craig gets better. Hopefully Bally the Dog is taking good care of him.
By the way, Craig says a great way to work your abs is with a deep chest cough… but I sure as heck won’t be adding that move to my program any time soon!
Talk soon,
Bruce Krahn,
Over-40 Abs Expert
Thanks Bruce, and yes, good ol’ Bally the Dog has been feeding me some chicken soup this week… although I’m kind of scared to ask where he got the chicken!
I’ll be back with a great nutrition article on Sunday.
Taking care of your abs,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – If you’re feeling down and out like me…
… always remember:
Never quit. If you stumble, get back up. What happened yesterday no longer matters. Today’s another day, so get back on track on move closer to your dreams and goals. You can do it.